Chapter 15

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*Skyler's POV*

Once I finish calming down I go back after getting mind linked by Gracie that our appointments are soon. I quickly shift behind a tree and change into leggings and a t-shirt like she had said. I'm still uncomfortable with wearing short sleeves as all my scars show.

"Oh great, you're here!" She says when I walk in the room causing Alex to get up.

"Mhm, let's go," I say.

"Wait Sky," Alex says. I turn to look at him.

"Are you upset with me? You weren't answering your mind links. I would have gone after you if it weren't for these two holding me back." He says with an eye roll.

"No. Everythings fine but I want to go before we're late," I say grabbing Gracies' hand and leading her out the door.

"So trouble in paradise?" She says.

"Psh no," I say.

"Oh come on..he told you about his parent's dinner, you said one word, then walked off. Considering what happened last time I wouldn't even want to go but since he is Alex's dad I don't know how well you can say no."

"I know, I don't mind I just wish he would have told me before today. You know like a little heads up.." I say laughing a bit at the end.

"Yea I understand. But I'm sure everything will go fine Skyler. If anything I got your back." She says elbowing my side.

"Of course you do," I say linking my arm through hers. Once we arrive at the massage and salon place we go to separate rooms to get helped. I get something called a deep tissue. It hurt but felt so good in the end.

At the salon I get my nails painted purple. They do a nice facial treatment and do my hair into a braided bun. I don't know why they did my hair but I'm not complaining.


"Were home!" I say walking in with Gracie to see Alex in a tux and Jake waiting for Gracie.

"Oh, why are you so dressed up? I thought it was just a casual dinner?" I say.

"Well, they reserved a nice restaurant for us. But Gracie chose your dress it's in the closet for you." Alex says.

"Oh okay, thank you, Gracie," I say turning to hug her.

"Of course." She says closing in our hug.

I change and our friends leave by the time I get out. Alex and I are off to the restaurant and I can't help but feel as if I'll just get embarrassed again but this time in front of everyone. I hold Alex's hand tighter as we go inside the restaurant.

"Alpha, Luna." The host says.

"Hello," I say nicely. She leads us to the table where I see Alex's mom and dad.

"Oh! Alex! Skyler! It's great to see you guys again." Katie says giving both Alex and I a hug.

"Alex, Skyler," Leo says as we sit across from them. Leo quickly starts a conversation with Alex on Alpha things while Katie begins a conversation with me.

"So Skyler, have you been to the pack library?" She says.

"Oh no I haven't yet but it's on my list of places to visit," I say. Which earns me a giggle from her end. Yet I swore I heard Leo mumble something on the lines of "luna to be and hasn't been to the library." But I just chose to ignore it.

Once we're served our dinner I look around to see everyone's orders. Leo got the steak meal and a baked potato on the side. Katie got the same steak but with a salad instead. Alex got the chicken with a baked potato like his father. I got spaghetti with a salad.

Everyones nearly finished with their meals and I still have a third left of my spaghetti. I ate most of my salad but am full. I've eaten more today than I have in a while just to make a good impression.

"Oh look at that she ate a bit more.." Leo says not as quietly as he should have.

"Father," Alex says in a warning voice.

"I-it's fine Alex," I say quietly grabbing his hand to calm him down. 

"Well we are done here, aren't we Katie?" Leo says in an angry tone.

"Well I still wanted to talk with Sky-" Katie starts.

"You have the um kitchen to clean don't you Katie?" He says.

"Actually Leo. I don't. If you want the Kitchen clean, then clean it yourself." She says in a harsh tone leaving me with chills myself. 

"I don't clean," Leo says in a much similar tone causing me to quiver back more in my seat. 

"Well that must suck, looks like your kitchens going to be dirty," Katie tells him. With this Leo leaves but not before calling Katie a bitch. Yet she was quick to call him an ass right after. 

"Sorry about him Skyler. I should go too to make sure he doesn't destroy the house or anything." She says. I've heard stories on Leo and how his anger issues always left the pack with something broken. Thankfully Alex didn't inherit that from his father. 

"Okay thank you, Katie," I say hugging her.

Alex and I leave and head back to the house. We brush our teeth and get into bed for the night.

"See that didn't go as bad as we thought did it?" He mumbles into my neck.

"I guess not. Love you." I say dozing off.

"Love you too."



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