Chapter 10

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*Skyler's POV*

I wake up the next day trying to think about what happened yesterday. I don't understand how this happened. I don't understand how I never knew they weren't my real parents. My mind is in such a blur I don't even hear Alex come in.

"You okay Sky?" That one word brought back a memory I had forgotten for a while.

"Sky I love you okay? Don't ever forget how much we loved you and keep moving forward okay" Derek said before pushing me back outside of the car.

"No Derek no!"


I'm so stuck in my own mind that I don't realize I'm having a panic attack.


"Skyler!? Snap out of it Skyler!" He yells. Although I can hear him it's so hard to be able to concentrate.

Once I calm down a bit more I am getting handed a glass of water.

"Are you okay?" He asks which I respond with a nod too.

"W-was It something I did or said?" It was. But I can't tell him that. I need to get over it anyways it's been more than 9 years now.

"N-no I'm sorry," I say.

"Sky you have nothing to be sorry for." He says and this time it doesn't hurt as much. In fact it makes me feel loved. Like they are still with me.

"Now who's Derek?!" He says a bit more upset. So I decide to tell him everything.

"I-it started when I was 8.. I..m-my br-" he looked a bit confused until he understood what I was doing.

"Sky no you don't have to tell me if you don't want too."

"No I need too.." he just nods understandingly.

"So I was 8.. and my um my brothers and I were going out to the park...e-even then I had the s-same parents that I thought were mine now. Everything was better than. So anyways on the way there, my brother Kaleb and I were fighting and my older brother D-Derek was telling us to stop. We were almost there when a drunk driver hit us. Our car was f-flipping over and over. When we finally landed we were u-upside down..a-and Kaleb wasn't responsive then. Derek helped me out b-but went back for Kaleb. He never got to get out because the car blew up even though I told him so many times to get out. He was just so stubborn." I say and laugh quietly as a tear runs down my face.

"So before he pushed me out for running back in he said that they loved me and t-too keep going with my life and not look back. They always called me Sky which is why I guess I freaked out a bit when you called me that because I haven't been called that in a while." He looks at me with such pity in my eyes and wants to tell me something but I stop him with my hand.

"The abuse started when I was around 10. The parents you saw I assumed they were my birth parents but now I know the truth. W-when they took me into that weird universe thing I-I saw the truth. They killed my parents and took me. I don't understand why though since they had Kaleb and Derek."

"Maybe they wanted a girl? Or maybe your birth parents did something they didn't like and they wanted revenge?" I nod with what he's saying.

"I never knew they could do that. I always thought they were werewolves just like the rest of their pack." He nods.

"I know what they are and we're going to take them down." I nod.


It's been a month since my parents came. Alex and I have gotten much closer. My eating habits haven't changed yet, still eating small amounts. Gracie and I have also gotten a lot closer. At the moment, we're all watching a movie in the movie theater room.

I'm laying down on Alex while Gracie is laying down on Jake. On the side of me is Zuess and Riley on the ground. Alex has already explained most of the mating process to me and what we have to do to initiate the process. He doesn't want to rush me but I can already see the pack getting impatient.

For now, I can guarantee that our lives are going great for the moment. The movie finishes and Alex and I sit up.

"Okay, guys we're going to head out now," Alex says.

"Okay night guys!" I say.

"Night!" They both say.

Alex and I walk hand in hand to our rooms with the dogs behind us.

"You know I really love you.." he says.

"I know Alex you tell me almost every night." I joke.

"Just want to make sure you know," he says with a wink. I just laugh quietly. I know that we should take the next step already and begin the mating process but I also just feel like if I do he'll regret it. He hasn't said anything the past few days of anything I've been doing wrong such as my eating habits. Although it's not good they've gone down a bit. I don't know why either.

I just hope that I can be good enough for him as his mate.

"You know Sky," he says while sitting me on his lap.

"I can't help but thank the moon goddess for setting me up with such a beautiful mate."

"Thank you, Alex, I'm glad to be blessed with you too," I say shyly while getting up to brush my teeth and wash my face. Alex and I bruh our teethe at the same time, and while he finishes I braid my hair. On our way back we go to the bed ready to get to sleep.

I can't help but admire him a little more tonight. He keeps coming closer to me and before I know it he kissed me. It's a slow but passionate kiss. I crawl forward to him not daring to break our kissing session.

Once I'm fully in his lap with my arms around his neck I can't help but feel closer to him already. He bites my bottom lip making me gasp while he sticks his tongue in my mouth. I can't help but want to just feel even closer to him as he said would happen after the mating process. So with this in mind I say,

"Mark me"


Thank you all so much for reading so far! Don't forget to star and comment :D! <3

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