Chapter 13

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*Alex's POV*

It's been a week since she's been in this coma. I blame it all on my dad. He had no right to call her shit. He's come over more than 10 times to try to apologize but I won't accept it until she wakes up and accepts it if she even does.

"Alex man, aren't you tired?" Jake asks.

"No," I say. I lay my head back on the wall holding on to Skyler's hand listening to her heartbeat. Nancy said if we would have brought her in any later she would have died. They had to do a stomach pump to get all the pills out in time. 

Thankfully I haven't had many alpha duties and the ones I've had, Jake has been nice enough to take care of so far. Gracie has been coming every day now with new stories on the orphanage and animal shelter. Two of Skyler's favorite places in the pack.

We were supposed to hold the Luna ceremony yesterday. Everyone's waiting for her to wake up. I just can't wait to hold her in my arms again.

I get up from my spot and go over to the counter to get my phone. I play stack as I continue my wait. I stop once I hear rapid beating from Skyler's heart monitor. I quickly get up to hold her hand but am forced out of the room by Nancy.

"Nancy! Nancy open up right now!" I bang on the door. I expect to see her stepping out but instead, I see a different nurse.

"Alpha," she says bowing.

"Skyler seems to be having either a nightmare or is waking up. Either way, we need you to step out for a second. We need to make sure she doesn't run out of ai-" she says before getting caught off by Nancy screaming that they have a code red. She runs back in locking the door.

I wait outside the door for what seems like hours pulling at my hair. This is all his fault.

*Skyler's POV*

All I see is darkness. I can hear the voices outside but don't have the strength to open my eyes or signal to them that I'm here, I'm alive. I don't know how long it's been like this. I've heard the stories Gracie has told me, I've heard Alex tell me loves me and to wake up for him, I've heard Jake telling me his greetings, Alex's father apologizing, I've heard it all but am still stuck here.

"Skyler." I hear a woman say. I turn around to see two people standing there. They look familiar.

"Look how big she's grown, Jess." The man says. They come running to hug me with tears in their eyes.

I know who they are. They are my parents, my real parents. 

"Mom? Dad?" I say.

"Oh, baby." She says while hugging me and explaining how much she loves me.

"Skyler. We love you so much. Listen to me, Jane and Herbert are witches and we know how to take them down. You ne-." They stop as I interrupt them.

"Guys I know. Alex told me." I say laughing a bit.

"Oh. So, Alex, it is?" Dad says sounding like an overprotective father.

"Oh shush it, Xavier," Mom says. Which I respond too with a laugh.

"Listen, baby, we don't want to let you go. But it's not your time yet okay? I need you to live life to the fullest and don't look back. We love you so much baby girl and we can't wait to see you again when it's time." She says with my father approving.

"W-what do you mean? I just met you guys? I can't go back now. Please give me more time!" I say trying to convince them.

"Oh Hunny we would give you so much more time but your family needs you right now. We'll meet you again soon." Dad says.

"N-no! Mom! Dad! I want to stay with you guys! Please!" I scream as I hear their last words being I love you. Everyone's last words are always "I love you" why can't I just stay here. 

I am quickly brought back into our world seeing the bright white ceiling. Gasping for breath I quickly look to my side to see a water cup. I quickly pour myself some while Nancy who I've just noticed is in the room comes over and applies a breathing tube on me.

"It's great that your awake Luna." She says. 

"T-thank you Nancy b-but please call m-me Skyler," I say. She nods and goes out to retrieve someone who I assume is Alex. 

Alex comes in and I can't help the embarrassment from everything that has been happening. 

"I am so so sorry Skyler. If it weren't for my fa-" He starts.

"Alex no I'm sorry..I let your dad's words get to me even though I've been called a disgrace all my life. I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry for not being able to give you the mate that you needed." I say tearing up. 

"No no my love, you are what I need. You are everything I need. I love you Sky." He says causing me to let the tears fall. 

"Okay," I say as I nod. He quickly climbs on the bed with me and hugs me sending me off into another sleep but not before wiping my face clean. 


Love you all!

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