Chapter 16

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*Skyler's POV*

The next morning I'm eating breakfast when Alex comes down. I pass him his plate of bacon and eggs. I always knew how to cook since I was practically the maid at my old house. Alex just never wanted me too.

"Looks delicious." He says.

"Thank you," I reply.

"So when you finished, I have a plan for us. I've realized we don't know so much about each other and I plan to know everything about you that's not your background history." He explains. I nod following him out the back door since I finished while he was talking. He leads me to a humungous garden area.

"It's so beautiful.." I say.

"Like you." He cheesily replies which leaves me rolling my eyes. He leads to a patch of grass and lays out a blanket for us to lay on. He massages my hand while he asks,

"What's your favorite color?"

"Purple, what about you?"

"Gold." He replies.

"Hm, do you want any kids?" He says.

"Yea. I want three, specifically two boys and one girl. Do you?"

"Yup! I want a girl but in the end, it doesn't matter as long as we create them together." He says.

"How old are you?" I ask.

"I turned twenty February 2nd and you?"

"Seventeen. But I'll be eighteen on July 8th." I reply. We continue asking each other questions on and off about what we desire in our lives and how we want to spend them. I learn that Alex has always wanted to be Alpha and has practiced a lot in order to be able to get the whole pack to like him.

I told him about the universe where I saw my real birth parents, my brothers, and that I have always wanted to be an artist. I explained how I believe that painting relates with to emotions yet, I have never painted a day in my life.

We spent most of the morning in the garden until Alex was called to do his Alpha duties at around 1. I attended in order to see what he dealt with. We ended up taking in a family who was kicked from another pack.

I was taught by Alex more on what Alpha and Luna's do together.


Currently, it's 7 pm and we got take out food. Alex and I are playing Uno while eating since he wanted to teach me how to play. He exclaimed how he was great at this game but it doesn't look like it. I've won four rounds already.

"Are you sure you want to keep going? I'm sure I'm just going to beat you again." I say laughing.

"You're just lucky. I'm usually a pro at this. Get ready for the next round cause you're going down." He says getting quite upset.

I laugh. Clearly, he hasn't progressed my winning strategy. Did you know you could win with a color-changing card?

As we're about to start the next round the doorbell rings. Strange. It's probably Gracie or Jake.

"Hm weird let's go check it out," Alex says helping me up. Passing the barking dogs we open the door to find a small white box on the ground.

"Did you order something?" I ask him.

"No, it's addressed to you. Did you order something? Or maybe a friend did?" I nod my head no since I didn't have any friends other than the ones here nor did I order anything.

I slowly take the box out of his hands and begin to unwrap it. Inside I just see a note. Who would send me a note?

I unwrap it slowly and read what it says. I drop the note and Alex is quick to pick it up and read it for himself.

So you thought you were safe girl? We're coming back soon, and when we do you won't be able to get out of it this time. Not even your little mate will be able to help keep you safe. Enjoy your last few moments Skyler.

Without love, your nonparents.

I quickly drop the note on the table and my eyes get blurry. No no no. I can't believe I was stupid enough to think they would leave...

"Listen to me Skyler, we know how to defeat them. They won't take you from me anymore I promise you. Okay?" He says wrapping me into a hug.

"I'll make sure I get more guards up and one right by our room. I promise I won't let anything happen okay?" He says.

"Okay. I believe and trust you." I say honestly.

"Great now let's get ready to bed we don't want you stressed for the Luna ceremony tomorrow do we?" He jokes. We quickly brush our teeth but I still can't get the note out of my head.  I braid my hair and go to the closet to change into pajamas.

I lay down and quickly allow him to spoon me making me feel much safer already.

"Night Alex."

"Night Sky, love you."

"Love you too," I say.


Thank you for reading <3!

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