Chapter 4

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*Alexander's POV*

While I was in my office talking to my parents who are on a trip at the moment I got mind-linked by Jake telling me that there was a rouge on our northern side.

"Hold on mom I'll call you in a bit I have something to deal with," I say as I end the call. Hopefully, she won't put this against me in the future. 

"Alright, what's going on?" I ask as I transfer all my attention to Jake my Beta. 

"There seems to be a rouge off the northern side. Want me to assassinate it?" He asks me. 

"No no bring them in, I need to question them," I tell him. 

"Copy that see you soon Alex," He says. 

My life was given to me pretty easily. Everyone being able to like me as Alpha is great since my father was definitely a much better Alpha. I'm just glad I was able to meet up to the people's standards. I doze off into my work until I hear Jake's and another person's footsteps coming closer. I can't help but feel a strange connection to the person on the other side of the door.

"Come in," I say once they knock.

Once they both came in I came face to face with Jake and a girl. But when we made eye contact I knew that she was the one I've been waiting for.

"Mate," I say. But it seems like she was in pain of some sort as she fainted on the spot, yet thankfully Jake caught her in time.

"What do you mean mate? The rouges your mate?" Jake asks. 

"Yes Jake, now give her to me we must take her to Dr. Nancy."

"Ok ok," He says as he hands her small body into my arms. She weighs like a feather. It wouldn't be a surprise if she was underweight. I quickly mind link Nancy to get a room ready and head off with her in my arms.

"Ok, what's the emergency?" She says.

"My mate she fainted."

"Ah, so the rouges your mate? That's a new mix. I'll see what I can do Alpha."

"Thank you," I say as I continue to hold onto her small hand.

"I'm going to need you to step out of the room so I can check her body."

"No, she's my mate!" I yell at her. 

"Listen we can do this the easy way or the hard way Alpha." I take one last look at my little mate and decide that if it's for her benefit I must leave. Although my wolf Nathan doesn't want me too I quickly calm him down telling him it's for the best.

Shortly after I get let back into the room. I quickly go and hold onto her hand again.

"So? How is she?"

"Well, she looks completely malnourished. She has bruises everywhere. Broken bones that haven't healed well or fully. Marks on her skin. She doesn't look to be in good condition but it seems that the reason she fainted was because of how malnourished she's been."

How could anyone do this to her? Such an angelic person getting mistreated. When I find out who it is I'll make sure I rip them to shreds. No one touches or hurts my mate and gets away with it.

"She should be waking up soon. So I'll leave you to it."

"Ok thanks, Nancy," I say as she walks out the door.


It's been an hour since Nancy has left and it seems like she's about to wake up. She starts to move and removes her hand from my grasp. She slowly rubs her eyes.

"W-where am I?"

"Why hello my little mate. You are in Greenwood's pack where you will be staying." I tell her calmly. 

"P-please! D-don't hurt me!" she cries which makes my heart break a bit by the tone of her voice.

"I won't hurt you I promise." She starts to take off her IV's and I quickly mind link, Dr. Nancy, to come now.

"No no you can't take those off!" I say trying to stop her. She quickly stands up almost falling over again until she grabs the bed railing. I try to get over to her spot but she just moves over to mine. See this would be a nice game to play at home not here and not in her state.

She quickly rushes out the door and I run right after her. I quickly grab her and carry her back to the room.

"N-no! Please let me go! Please!" She cries louder.

"Mate, I promise this is for your own good. I won't hurt you."

I quickly place her back on the bed and Nancy attaches the IV's on her again.

"So miss, it looks like your very malnourished and bruised up." Yet all my mate does is stay quiet with tears spilling out of her eyes. 

"Alexander, she's free to go just make her take it easy and come back next week."

"Ok thanks Nance"

"Yup," She says while walking out the door.

"Who are you?" Her angelic voice says.

"I'm your mate. Alexander. And you?"


"Skyler," I say testing the name out. Has a nice ring to it.

"Can I leave now.."

"Sorry, Skyler but you're stuck with me now. Let's go get you cleaned up at my room yea?"

She nods slowly and we head back.


*Skyler's POV*

Mate? I can't have a mate I'm too worthless, too broken, too ugly. I tried to get out earlier but of course, he's faster. Were on our way to his room I believe but all I want is to get away from here. I don't deserve a mate.

"Penny for your thoughts Skyler?" He asks. Yet all I can do is nod a no.

"Hm alright. We're almost here." I stay quiet.

When we got there some girl was standing outside his door.

"Alpha, Luna." She says. Luna? Surely, she can't mean me. I can't be Luna I can barely do anything myself.

"This is Jakes' mate Gracie, Skyler. She'll help you take a shower and give you clothes for the night." He says. Maybe this can be my time to escape?

I nod slowly and follow her.

"Take care of her!" I hear him yell from behind us.

Once were around the corner I look for my exit. I see a stairway and begin to follow it when I get an arm clasped around my wrist. I wince and pull it back. My arm is covered in different cuts done by my own self.

"Oh I'm sorry Luna but it's this way haha." I nod and follow her acting as if I wasn't just trying to run away. Once we're in the room. I'm given a towel, shampoo, conditioner, and other necessities. Wow, my first real shower. Maybe this isn't going to be so bad. 


Thank you all for reading! Please don't forget to star and comment! Love you all! <3

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