Chapter 17

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*Skyler's POV*
It's the day. The Luna ceremony. I never thought I would ever be capable of having a mate. Less likely an Alpha. I don't know if I'm going to be a good Luna but I'm going to try.

So far people like me. Bringing me gifts here and there. I'm able to repay them by also bringing them gifts.

Currently, I am at Gracie's getting ready for the ceremony. She's finished with my makeup and is now onto my hair.

"So your ready?" She asks.

"No. I mean yes. No?" I say unsurely.

"Sky, you'll be fine your going to do great! Everyone loves you already."

"Okay. Yea I'll do great. I guess I just never imagined myself as luna." I say.

"Yea I know but you'll do great." She says.

I continue memorizing my speech that I'm going to say in front of everyone today.

I promise on my life that I will care for all your needs..

"Done," Gracie says. I look towards the mirror to see myself in a beautiful braided bun with light natural makeup. I couldn't be any happier.

"Thank you so much, Gracie!!" I scream.

"Of course. Anything for my bestie!" She nudges me. I go over to her closet where my long purple dress is hanging from her wall. I quickly put it on making sure not to mess up my hair.

"Ready!" I say.

"Let's go." She says leading me to the backyard where we are holding the ceremony. I keep practicing on my way since I know Alex will be there already. I think the most terrifying thing is saying this out loud in front of everyone. Not even the wrist cutting is scaring me.

Gracie leads me to the back where I can see Alex waiting for me.

"Good luck." She says encouragingly. She leaves to go sit by Jake in the front.

"Hey, baby," Alex says pecking my lips.

"Hi" I respond.

"You ready?" He asks slowly.

"Mhm," I nod. I'm ready. He begins to lead me up to the stage where the person that is initiating the ceremony is.

"Alright everyone lets settle down." He says causing the talking of the crowd to stop.

"Today, we will be welcoming our new Luna Skyler Williams." He says with the crowd cheering us on.

"So Skyler, if you could please say your speech." He says. I let go of Alex's hand and walk up to the microphone. I concentrate on everything I wrote on my paper.

"Hi everyone. Just a month ago, I never thought I would have a mate. Imagine my surprise to being a mate to an Alpha." I say causing a few to laugh including Alex.

"I came from a horrible past. I lost my brothers and my parents were never really parents. I doubted what I did with my life for so many years. Even when I met Alex I was terrified but he was able to teach me that I was meant to be loved and meant to be here. As your soon to be Luna, I promise on my life that I will care for all your needs, I will help each and every one of you with any problem you see yourself in, I will take it upon myself to take care of all of you. I was able to be saved and see the world for what it really is and I want to make sure everyone can too. Thank you all." I say stepping back and walking to Alex.

Many people started clapping and cheering.

Good job Sky that was great. He mind links to me.

Thank you. I respond.

"Now let us start." He quickly grabs a knife and comes over to us. Asking for our arms he quickly slices a cut on our right arms. He combines our blood on each other's arms which tend to heal our wounds easily. I have never been healed so fast in my life.

"Your Luna! Skyler!" He says. As everyone is cheering and clapping I can't help but feel the need to cut again. I didn't think that this would unlock another memory of what I would do to myself. But I am in a better place and can't do this again I think.

After greeting many people we light the lights in the garden and begin the party. Everyone is enjoying their time and I am too. Loving every minute of this. Feeling loved and needed for once in my life.

"Hey, let's get out of here yea?" Alex says. I look at my watch to see it's been a few hours. It's 11 pm already.

"Yea lets go," I say. We quickly say our goodbyes and head to the room.

"Wasn't that fun? How do you feel Sky? I feel like we barely got to talk out there." He says causing me to laugh. I wait until we're inside to answer him.

"It was great. Thank you so much, Alex." I say. Quickly seeing my chance, I kiss him. That one kiss turning into a full-on make-out session. With him closing the door and locking it to me jumping on him and him carrying us to the bed.

He stops before things get more heated.

"Okay let's get ready for bed yea?" He says a bit out of breath.

"No. I'm ready," I say. I know he knows what I mean since we haven't really talked about this topic much. Anytime things begin to get more heated he usually stops us which I've appreciated until now.

"Sky c'mon. We can wait there's no ru-" He begins but stops once I capture him in another kiss. This time there was no stopping the heated moments. You can guess what our night was about.


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