18.8K 167 51

after we ate, i went on tiktok to see what my friends were up to. i saw my close friends from back home exploring and i'm not gonna lie it made me a little home sick. i decided to distract myself so i went on my fyp instead. obviously i'm on elite tiktok, have you met me? anyways, the one straight tiktok i've seen in awhile came up. it was one of the cutest guys i'd ever seen. he had gorgeous blue eyes, he seemed really tall, and he had black hair with blonde tips. i looked down at the username and there it wrote jadenhossler .where had i heard that name? i shook it off and did some stalking, you know, no big deal. i was disappointed to find out he's already talking to someone. some girl named mads? she was very pretty and had an amazing body. i found myself jealous of her . although she had a good body, i had stopped comparing myself to others a while ago. it was only sometimes comparing myself to others happens, i try not to think about it. so that only meant that i was jealous of her being with jaden. but why? it's not like i know him or have even said a word to him. once again, i did what i do best, shook it off. i went to annalise to show her this FINE specimen.

as soon as i showed her, her eyes lit up. she then went on to scream


"anthony? wait is it that one boy with the big nose and butt chin", i joked.

"yes! but soon to be my butt chin and big nose ;)", she said proudly.

"dream on child", i teased.

"rude", she said angrily.

"anyways, isn't he cute ", i said , changing the subject.

"no, i actually think he's got a weird nose.", she sneered.

i knew she was mad that i made fun of her for anthony so i decided to do what's best...

keep making fun of her :)

"i'm not the one that like a guy w a GIRLFRIEND ", i joked.

"jaden and mads are literally talking i-", she said.

"i never said i liked jaden", i giggled.

"whatever, no more waffles for you luv", she teased.

"WHAT?!? YOU CAN DO THIS TO ME" i say dramatically.

"too bad", she said.

we are both laughing hysterically

[time skip]

i decided to film my 800,000 subscriber milestone video, the topic was a q&a! i wanted to bring it back just bc it's only been a year since i first started. i tweeted out:

"ask me questions, it's for a video <3"

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