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jadens pov

last night i dropped thalia off and i was debating on making a move. i decided against it. im 99.9% sure that i have feelings for thalia. the only .1 percent is because of mads. i feel really bad about it because she was really good to me. i think i might invite thalia and annalise over to hang out. annalise is pretty chill and its so obvious that anthony likes her but wont make a move because of avani. anyways im gonna text thalia right now

jaden 😌

do you and annalise wanna come over today ?

thalia 🥺

sure! what time ? :)

jaden 😌

4 maybe ? they boys wont be home until 3:30 

thalia 🥺

see you then! 

{thalias pov]

jaden invited me and annalise over today. even though i just saw him yesterday i was so excited to see him again. i told annalise to get ready and she was just as excited to see anthony. i think he really liked her but couldnt do anything because of avani. i really wished annalise could be happy with him but somethings dont work out the way you want them. which is exactly my situation with jaden. i have feelings for him and he likes someone else. i found myself crying when thinking about this. why? the world will never know. anyways, i get dressed and head over to annalise's room to see she was dressed too.  watched a little bit of tv and left at around 3:45.

we got there around four and we went a knocked on the door. anthony opened the door and let us in. he took us to where everyone was and hung out there for a few hours. i could feel myself getting closer to jaden. so much so we were all eventually watching a movie and i was cuddled up to jaden. i knew it was wrong but i couldnt stop myself. he didnt stop me so i assumed he stopped talking to her. everything was going great until mads and avani walked into the house...

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