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12 hours before...

jadens pov

i have been dreading this party since i was told about it. i didnt want to stay in my room all day. i knew that i would eventually have to make an appearance so people didnt ask questions. ive been dressed for about two hours debating whether or not to go downstairs and face my problems. what if she didnt even show up and i was up here overreacting for no reason? what if we didnt even cross paths? but what would i say if we did? was i ready to even talk to her? finally i decided to go downstairs.

i walked down stairs and greeted everyone that came my way. i really didnt want to run into her so i tried my hardest to find her so i could avoid her. soon enough i found her and to my surprise she was already looking at me. she looked so beautiful and i hated that i couldnt go up and talk to her. even if it had been my fault, all i wanted was to be able to tell her that she looked beautiful. after i had found her, her gaze immediately shifted from me to bryce and smashed her lips against his.

i couldnt believe what i was watching. i immediately turned around and went back upstairs. how could she have moved on so fast? and why with one of my bestfriends? and why did he kiss back? he knows theres something between us. why would he put himself in that kind of situation. i couldnt even get mad at him because i just took a break from her. fuck me and fuck this.

if she wants to do something stupid so am i.

i headed downstairs and looked around. as soon as i saw her i grabbed her and smashed my lips against hers. definitely not as satisfying as i was expecting but whatever. when we parted, i looked back to see thalia. she looked pissed.

"what the fuck jaden" thalia asked

"what?" i asked acting stupid

"you wanted to take a break from just so you could go back to mads? you could have at least told me instead of being a selfish lying prick" she said

"this is coming from the person that just made out with my bestfriend" i said

"it wasnt even like that! i was actually coming to talk to you" she said

"what made you think i wanted to talk to you" i snapped. i didnt even know why i was talking to her. i was just tired of her upset with me.

"i-i just wanted to... you know what nevermind" she said walking away. i think there might have been tears in her eyes but i tried to ignore her and continue what i was doing. 

*  *  *

present time...

i woke up with a pounding head and a guilty conscious. i know i needed to talk to thalia but i didnt know how. i didnt know if i was making a mistake for asking for a break. i just wanted her to be in my arms without all of these complications. 

i wondered if she had even remembered what happened or if she regretted it. did she still want to be with me? or at least my friend? did she what anything to do with me? what if she liked bryce? 

i wanted to text her and ask her if she was upset with me but i knew it would have contradicted everything i said to her. i couldnt just ask her for a break but also expect her to be happy with it. and i also couldnt expect her to not move on. i was just wasnt expecting her to move on so fast. especially  with bryce of all people. she could have at least gotten with someone that i dont see everyday. 

i just wish i wasnt so dumb sometimes. 

author note

im trying something different to make the chapters longer. if this goes well ill start uploading just one chapter instead of two but theyll be longer. have a great day!! <333

also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 29K READS!!! i just thanked you for 27k reads yesterday i-

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