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jaden was supposed to be here any minute and i'm so nervous. i don't want anything to go wrong. i was sitting on my couch distracting myself from my nervousness with my phone when i heard a knock at the door. i opened the door to see jaden in a button down and jeans.

[time skip]
we've been driving for awhile and i was kind of confused as to where the hell we were going. the car ride consisted of laughing and A LOT of singing. i loved jadens voice and i knew he would go somewhere with it. after a little bit more driving, we finally showed up. we were at malibu and it looked so beautiful. the beach was always somewhere where i could release stress and relax. of all places he could have picked, im so happy he picked this one. he grabbed my hand and led my onto the beach where i saw a cute little picnic in the sand.

"i wanted to take you to the beach because this was the first place i ever took you, just us" he said smiling

"i love it!" i said blushing

we continued to hang out on the beach and i was really enjoying myself. i could not believe that i was on a beautiful date, with a beautiful guy, at a beautiful place. since when was the universe so good to me? i was in deep thought thinking about how lucky i was until i was interrupted by the feeling of his touch on my thigh.

"you okay?" he asked

"yeah i'm fine. i was just thinking about something" i said smiling

[time skip]
we finally drove home after the sunset and i have to say, i had best time. this was probably the best date i've ever been on. i couldn't wait to tell annalise everything about how there was no flaw in this date. anyways we finally got to my apartment and jaden walked me to my door.

"i had fun tonight" i said

"let's do this again, okay?" he said

"i'd love to." i said grinning

we finally got to my door and right when i was about to say bye, jaden leaned in and kissed me. the kiss was soft and gentle and i didn't want it to stop. he finally pulled away.

"goodnight jaden" i said blushing

"goodnight" he said

i closed the door and immediately ran to annalises room. unfortunately, anthony was in the room but i told them both everything. annalise seemed really happy for me and anthony said he was happy for us. soon after, i went to my room, put on a pair of sweats, and fell asleep.

author note
okay so this chapter has convinced me that i am such a shitty writer. 🥰❤️😆😏😌✨🙈 

p.s. give me suggestions about where you want this story to go! i have some ideas for the next few chapters but let me know how you want me to end it xx

p.s.s. anthony said the n word... #unstanning :/

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