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i woke up to the smell of alcohol and cologne and my head was pounding. i felt a warm present behind me and i turned to see it was troy. what happened last night? being in a bed with troy wasnt too unusual so i decided to check my notifications.

tiktokroom tagged you in a post!

(this is the best i could find pls bare w me :I)

(this is the best i could find pls bare w me :I)

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Liked by jadenhossler, annalisee, and 29,392 others

tiktokroom this picture was taken at a party. the fans are speculating its #thaliaalvarez and #troyzarba kissing in this photo 👀❤️ #baewatch

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jadenhossler oh

annalisee as she should 😌💅

luvanthony LMAOOO

i looked at the screen with full content of throwing myself off a building. what did jaden's comment mean? anyways i did not need people shipping us nor did i even need people to know we were even at the party. i woke up troy and showed him the post as well. he felt the exact same and left as soon as possible before anyone saw him leaving her apartment complex. when troy left i sprinted into annalises room to see her in the bed with anthony...

"oh god" i said covering my eyes disgusted.

"GET OUT" she yelled embarrased.

so much for finding new men. i went back to my room to keep scrolling through my phone. i got a text from jaden.

jaden 😐


thalia 🥺

hey whats up

jaden 😐

was that you in the picture?

thalia 🥺

yeah but dont tell anyone ;)

jaden 😐

oh okay

thalia 🥺

why whats up?

jaden 😐

oh its nothing

[end of chat]

i totally made him jealous and i was proud. at least i think i made him jealous.

[jaden's pov]

she hooked up with some lame ass kid named troy. i know shes upset about mads and all but she didnt have to throw it in my face. i know i have to break it off with mads eventually, im just afraid of how she will react. on top of that, i dont want to lose her as a friend. shes been so good to me and ill feel like a dick if i just cut her off. ill try to talk to her tomorrow.

i texted thalia with full intentions of tell her how i feel but she implied that she was happy that she slept with him. im just gonna wait to tell her until i know me and mads are over.

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