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24 hours before...

jadens pov

i'm going to a party with the boys tonight. i asked thalia if she wanted to go but she said that she's having friends over or something. i wish she could come. i've been having a lot of fun with her lately and i definitely see a future with us.

[time skip]

i've been at the party for about three hours and surprise surprise, i'm drunk. i texted thalia and told her i missed her. i was texting with her when mads came up to me.

"hey babe" she said

"what" i asked

"you wanna leave with me?" she asked

before i could say anything she smashed her lips with mine. i was taken back at first but i ended up kissing back. i knew it was wrong but the stupidity in me told me to keep going. we ended up going back to her place to do the dirty.

around three am i was sober enough to see what i did wrong. i fucked up. why did i even let myself do that. i like thalia. she's the one i want to be with. what the hell is wrong with me. i decided to text her.

jaden 🥺
i'm sorry

end of chat

i was feeling beyond guilty. i hated the fact that she was gonna hurt because of this. i'm so fucking stupid.

[time skip]

i woke up this morning to see a post on tiktokroom. first, i hooked up with my ex. and to make things worse someone took a picture of us and sent it to tiktokroom. i can't believe i did this to her. i've been debating on texting her all day but i'm too scared to see the outcome of it. i'm not ready to lose her nor will i ever be ready. it's about three am and i'm just sitting on my bed thinking about how much of a fucking idiot i am. i got a text from thalia

. thalia 🥺

if it wasnt already obvious i know what you did. and i just want to know what happened. i want to know why you havent texted me all day to explain yourself or to even see if i was okay. and out of all people, why did it have to be her. the girl that you had before. i was so ready to risk it all with you. go on spontaneous adventures with you and explore with you. all i want in an explanation. i want an explanation why you decided to play with my feelings. was it out of spite? boredom? just give me something jaden.

end of chat

fuck me. what am i gonna do...

author note

sorry for the ass chapter✨ also i literally thanked you for 5k reads two days ago and we already have 6k

#proud #havemychildren #eatass #jkbutseriouslyhavemychildren

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