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when i first saw him, he looked hotter in person. i had to keep myself under control considering mads.

i looked over to annalise and she was smiling like crazy. it was so obvious all she wanted to do was talk to anthony. regardless, anthony was not in the position for anything more than a platonic relationship. which of course she knew that, i think...

"hey!" jaden said grinning.

he hugged me??? confused but i went with it

"hey" i said back.

he then went on to greet annalise and we went inside. he gave us a tour of the house and introduced us to the boys.

"...and these are the boys" he said pointing to the guys outside at the pool.

we went outside and introduced ourselves. we were both nervous but they were all actually really cool people. whether or not we thought one of the boys were cute, i knew they were gonna become close friends of ours.

we spent the whole day with them hanging by the pool and even watching them play fortnite. i really enjoyed my time there and got to know them all as people. i think annalise felt the same because she had a genuine smile the whole time. we left around 8 pm.

"thank you so much for having us! we had such a good time!" i thanked him.

"of course! would you maybe want to hang out just us on friday?"

confused, i accepted. we said our goodbyes and left.

[jadens pov]

when i first saw thalia, i thought she was beautiful. i know im talking to mads and i know its wrong but i just couldnt help it. i invited thalia and annalise over and i dont regret it. thalia was unlike any girl i have ever talked to. but i didnt tell mads but i did make tiktoks with them today. i dont think she'll be happy to know that i didnt tell her but i can do what i want, shes not my girlfriend or anything...

author note

im not going to write about the interactions of annalise and anthony in this book because im thinking about making a spin off to this story based off the relationship of annalise and anthony. let me know id you would want that !! <3

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