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thalia's pov

i woke up excited to see if i got a response. and of course, no response. because why would anyone respond to that message. anyways, ive decided that i cant be sad anymore and that i need to live my best life or at least try to be positive. i got up to take a shower and get dressed because i was going to the beach today.

i got dressed in a cheetah print bathing suit and just put jean shorts over it. i went and told annalise that i was going to the beach today. she seemed kind of shocked that i was already ready to start doing things again but i think she got the hint that i was just trying to keep myself together and not explode. anyways to the beach we go!!

[time skip]

this time i went to venice beach which is infamous for these little shopping tents where you can buy things like rings, charms, and hats. i wanted to explore and also get some ice cream.  i started walking around getting noticed by fans here and there and seeing other influencers making weird ass challenge videos.

i finally found a cute little ice cream shop. i decided to get a scoop of cotton candy ice cream. afterwards, i finally went down to the beach, feeling the sand between my toes and laying down my towel. i decided to take some instagram pictures



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liked by luvanthony and 642,903 others

thaliaa ur missing out ;)

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annalisee BADDEST

annalisee show that bitch whos cuter ;)

i started thinking about random things like what i was gonna do tomorrow and what video ideas i have. i tried my hardest to not think about jaden but that same questions kept running through my head. was i not good enough? why wasnt i good enough? did i do something wrong? why didnt he ever respond? was he ever going to respond or was i going to live the rest of my life not knowing i why i wasnt good enough? i know im dramatic! it just happens... dont judge me >:(

[ew sorry for adding the "sand between my toes" part i just thought it sounded aesthetic ]

[time skip]

its around seven pm. ive walked around at least 5 times. i eventually went in the water after my breif moment of weakness lol. anyways the sun is going down and im now sitting watching the sunset enjoying the view. there i was, feeling better than this morning, finally calm, comfortable. or at least i was until i got this.

jaden 🥺

im sorry thalia. im sorry i hurt you. it was a drunk mistake and im sorry im so fucking dumb. i didnt text you because i was afraid of the outcome for us. i genuinely never meant to hurt you and i hate that i did. i think that we should take a break from each other.

end of chat

here come the tears...

authors note

i like when the chapters are nice and jUicY!!! anyways happy tuesday :D

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