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[thalias pov]
i invited jaden over to do a truth or dare video because annalise wouldnt make one with me. i used the excuse a couple days ago that i couldnt hang out with him because i was making a video with her but i think he forgot. thank god honestly because i was not ready to explain to him that i was avoiding him. we both tweeted out asking for questions and dares for the video and soon we were ready to film.

"hey guys" we said screaming into the cameras.

as much as he hurt me, i missed talking and doing stuff with him.

"so today were gonna be playing truth or dare" i said smirking

"NO WAY" jaden yelled sarcastically.

we picked out dares and questions for each other to answer. i was excited for him to hear my truths and dares.

[time skip]

beginning of truth and dare:

"okay so truth or dare" i asked

"dare" he said confidentally

"i dare you to snort some flour" i said giggling

"why do you choose to do me like this" he asked dramatically.

i pushed him into the kitchen and poured some flour on the counter. he then snorted it and coughed like crazy. it was honestly the best thing ive ever seen. i couldnt control my laughter. soon enough we went back to my room for my turn.

"truth or dare" jaden asked

"im afraid to do dare so truth" i said

"pussy" he teased

"rude" i said

"anyways, wheres the craziest place you ever done it" he smirked

my face immediately went red. "a familly bathroom at an amusment park" i mumbled.

"what did you say?" jaden said laughing hysterically


jaden was laughing hysterically and i rolled my eyes perfectly.

"okay jaden. truth or dare" i asked

"lets do truth" he said

"when is your music coming out" i asked

"im not sure. im working really hard on getting an album out. but all i know is so what is coming out soon" he smiled

it made me so happy to see how driven he was. one thing that i will always love about jaden is that he always chases his dreams and doesnt give up.

"anyways, your turn, truth or dare"

"dare" i said scared

"i dare you to tell your mom you think your pregnant." he said smirking

"i hate you" i said

i called my mom "crying" and told her i thought i was pregnant. for some reason she believed it and said she was driving from san francisco to see me. i guess im a good actress like that. :) anyways, i told her it was a prank and she yelled at me saying i shouldnt scare her and waste her time like that. jaden was laughing the whole time and i slapped him arm.

"your turn finally!! truth or dare" i said relieved

"i pick dare"he said

"i dare you to text the person your talking to that you love them."i said smirking

"i- i wasnt gonna tell you like this but i broke it off earlier today." he said casually

"WHAT? WHEN WERE YOU GONNA TELL ME" i yelled shocked

"after this" he said

"that should have been that first thing that you told me" i said angry

"im sorry" he said

"why did you even break it off? are you guys still friends?" i asked

"because im falling for this girl and yes" he said

"who?" i asked

"thats for me to know, and for you to find out later" he smirked

"fuck you"

[time skip]

jaden left about an hour ago. i couldnt stop thinking about what he said. "im falling for this girl" why couldnt he tell me who it was? is he talking to this new girl? who even is she? i wanted to be her so bad and i kept wondering who it could be. soon enough, i fell asleep.

author note

hey guys!! thank you so much for 600 reads!!! <3

p.s. if youve added my book to your reading list ilu :D

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