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when i saw the notification my heart started beating 100x faster than before. i am no socially prepared to talk to this fine man. i still wanted to see what he said. with that i half opened his snap to see he just said "hey".

wow, social anxiety for nothing. hEarT beEn brOke sO maNy tiMes ! okay sorry. anyways, i replied back.

chat with jadn 🖤

jadn 🖤


thalia 😇


jadn 🖤

are the rumors true?? 👀

thalia 😇

what rumors?? :)                                                                                                                  [obviously acting dumb]

jadn 🖤

on your youtube video

thalia 😇

whats it to you? arent you talking to someone lol

jadn 🖤

just curious...

thalia 😇

like i said before, use your imagination 🥰✨

jadn 🖤

okay be like that

-end of chat-

be like what? he is talking to someone. why would he want to know if the rumor was true? i shook it off a scrolled through my phone

[time skip]

i wake to another notification from jaden.

chat with jadn 🖤

jadn 🖤

hey would you maybe want to come to the sway house later today?? me and the boys will be home all day so just let me know what time.

thalia 😇

ill go as long as you tell me why you want me to come over and if i can bring my bestfriend, annalise 😋

jadn 🖤

just to get to know you, yk ? and you can bring her if shes cool

thalia 😇

okay great ! ill be there around 2, just give me the address

jadn 🖤

the address is *wherever the sway house is*

-end of chat-

it was now time to tell my bestfriend that we are about to go see the guy shes been simping over since she first laid her eyes. im in for a LONG day...

author note

sorry all my chapters are really short lol. im trying to get better with my writing and making sure that i dont tell a huge majority of the story in just one chapter. ill try to add more detail here and there. but with that, ive decided im gonna upload 1-2 chapters a day (mostly two) just to make sure im not giving you too little to read. anyways, HAVE A GREAT DAY <3 (or night lol)

p.s. pls pretend that josh and jaden are still in the sway house okay ? thanks :)

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