15.3K 160 256

after posting my tweet, i waited about half an hour to select the ones i wanted to answer. a lot of them were questions that were already known. i eventually picked about fifteen. i was really excited to start filming.

"hey guys! welcome back to my channel!", i said excitedly.

i later thanked them for 800,000 subscribers and told them that they are the reason my dream was coming true.

"anyways, lets get into the questions!"

[questions in bold and italicized]

'when did you first move to la?'

"i moved about six months ago with annalise! it was a lot of work but also a lot of fun because i was going to live with my bestie!"

'are you single?'

"unfortunately, just kidding, its fun doing what i want when i want to"

'drop your skin routine NOW'

"although this isnt a question, i thought i would answer it. i actually don't do anything. i know what your thinking... its so hard being me", i say as dramatic as possible.

'do you have a tiktok crush? if so who is it?'

"i wouldn't say hes a crush but i do think he's cute and im not gonna just out myself like that so ill give you hits and you can use your imagination. okay so he has blue eyes, he's goal-orientated, and i think hes talking to someone? im not really sure."

i continued with the questions and finished filming.

thinking back i don't really know why i included that question. i thought it would be a fun question but i don't think i was thinking straight.

[time skip]

tiktokroom tagged you in a post!

*insert screenshot of the q&a*


liked by larray and 25,294 others

tiktokroom #thaliaalvares said this in her recent youtube video and fans are speculating she was talking about #jadenhossler 👀

view all 1,496

madslewis whos gonna tell her

larray EYE-

jadenhossler 👀👀

as soon as i saw the post i was freaking out but also shocked that they guess correctly so fast.

"why did you say that", said annalise, laughing hysterically.

"really? its not funny", i said embarrassed.

"what are you gonna do now?", annalise questioned.

"ill probably just say it wasn't him" i said.

right after i said that i got a notification

coolhossler just added you on snap. say hi!

jadn 🖤is typing...

from jadn 🖤

author note

okay so i know its kinda early in the story but since im gonna be uploading everyday, let me know if you guys want smut !

p.s. i definitely did not just cringe writing that sentence

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