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[thalia's pov]

today was the day i get to see jaden! i was so excited to see him. i got up around 8am to get ready. he said he was going to pick me up at 10am, so i wanted enough time to get ready and get outfit opinions from annalise. i decided what i was wearing and did my makeup and hair. i  got annalise to get me waffles for breakfast. :D

what i was wearing:

what i was wearing:

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my bathing suit:

my bathing suit:

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[time skip] 

it was now 10 and jaden was gonna be here any minute. i dont really know the plan for today, but i do know that were gonna go swimming at the beach. i was waiting with annalise until i got a text that he was here. i went outside and got in his car.

"hey!" i said grinning.

"hi" he replied.

"so whats the plan for today?" i asked

"well i thought that we could go to malibu, hangout in the water and have a picnic in the park made specially but me." i said"

"that sounds great!" i smiled. 

he had this effect on me that was unlike anything i had ever felt. just the idea of being able to talk to him made me so happy. his plan sounded a little bit like a date but i shook it off. we got to the beach after about an hour because of traffic.

"the beach looks so gorgeous today" i gushed

"when does it not" he said.

"okay but it looks extra beautiful today" i said emphasizing the 'extra'.

"come on lets find a spot" he said

we walked around the beach and found a spot to put down our towels, my "surprise" lunch, and my purse. jaden took of his shirt and i mentally died due to the hotness of this man. he was about to get in the water when i said...

"sunscreen first, stupid" i said.

 "of course, how could i forget" he said dramatically.

after we both put on sunscreen and guaranteed we wont get sun burnt, we got in the water. it was really cold and i only dipped my feet in the water. of course, jaden had already been completely submerged in the water. he saw that i was just standing there and ran over to me.

"hey are you okay?" jaden said

"yeah im fine! the water's just cold."i grinned

as soon as i said that, i was thrown over jaden's shoulder and thus throw in the water. 

"JADEN" i yelled after i came up from the water.

he was just laughing histerically. 

"real funny hossler" i said sarcastically.

"i know right" he smirked

i playfully rolled my eyes and started splashing him with water.

soon afterwards, jaden showed me my "surprise" lunch. i opened up the bad to see turkry sandwiches and pasta salad. 

"so you can cook too?" i said shocked

"secret talent" he smirked. 

we went back in the water a bit later and enjoyed the sun for the rest of the day. we got to enjoy the sunset and it just made the beach look a lot prettier than it already was. today was so much fun and i enjoyed it more than i should have. in the back of my mind i kept thinking about how this could very much be a date and im not gonna lie, i was more confused than ever. he didnt mention mads once nor was he even on his phone today. he spent the whole day with me but didnt text the girl he was talking to... confusing am i right??

author note

happy friday! kind of trippy that i subconsciously planned for this chapter to come out on friday lol anyways happy friday from me 

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