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liked by jadenhossler and 642,903 others

thaliaa died my hair blonde...no i dont want to be like her. thats embarrassing ❤️

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annalisee i- the caption

annalisee you said BOLD

luvanthony suddenly i cant read but i agree

i ended up dying my hair blonde when i got home. its been something that i wanted to do for a while and i didnt realize until AFTER i had died my hair that it looks like i want to look like her. which is beyond ridiculous so i sort of made and insta post saying that was embarrasing. i know it was petty but i was bored and it just kind of happened. I haven't heard anything about it other than anthony and annalise telling me i was way too bold.

these past few days have been doing nothing but eating on the couch watching whatever show to occupy my mind and sleeping. quite the time i will say so myself. i realized how stupid i looked eventually so that brings me to today.

im on my way to the sway house with annalise to see the boys as if i didnt just call out their friend's girlfriend on instagram...

* * *

when i got out of the car i froze. i took a couple seconds too look at the big ass house in front of me to admire it because i would never want that for myself and compose myself. im about walk into a house with a guy i was "talking to" that could could very possibly be hanging out with the girl i just talked shit about PUBLICLY. whatever right?

we walked inside and were greeted with anthony. he told us that the guys are just getting ready. eventually bryce comes down along with griffin, kio, and quinton.  so now annalise and i are sitting in the living room or makeshift living room that consists of one couch, trash, and empty packages all around the room with the four of them. no sign of jaden. im starting to get tired of waiting. waiting for what? NO IDEA

"can we just go do something now? what are we waiting for?" i asked starting to get impatient

"yeah just wait a bit more" bryce said

"wait for what? i'm starting to get hungry and if we dont leave soon im going to start eating one of you."

"thalia?" said by a voice i could recognise from anywhere.

"jaden..." i said embarrased that he heard me talking to the others.

"what are you doing here?" he said

"im hanging out with the guys?" i said confused. what does it look like im doing dumbass?

"can we talk?" he asked. i could tell he was nervous but i couldn't tell why.

i made eye contact with annalise and she looked at me telling me to go for it so i got up and said...


author note

hey guys... uh sorry for not uploading for over a month LMAO. im actually sorry but i literally didnt know what to do with this story. im back because i figured it out and unfortunatley this story is coming to an end in like three or four chapters. thank you guys so much for reading this. words cannot describe how happy your comments make me and im so glad youre enjoying this stupid ass story <3 have a great day baddies :p

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