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i decided to end it with mads today. i texted and asked her to come over so we could talk. i feel really bad about it but theres no way im just going to forget about my feelings for thalia. when she showed up i led her to my room.

"so what did you want to talk about?" she asked

i was really nervous and not ready to hurt her. i tried to push through.

"i think we should just be friends." i said with no emotion

"what? why?" she asked, sad.

"i just dont feel like we were meant to be anything more with each other" i said.

"its that thalia bitch isnt it." she said angrily.

"what are you talking about?" i asked

"dont think i didnt see your comment on that post from tiktokroom or saw the way you looked at her. i knew this was gonna happen i just wasnt expecting it to be so soon." she said.

"im confused. are you upset with me?" i asked

"not necessarily. i cant control the way you feel. i just wish you felt that way towards me." she said.

"so friends?" i asked

"friends" she said grinning

soon after we talked, she left. i was honestly surprised that went really well. im glad i got that off my chest and now i can finally get closer to thalia . right as i was thinking about her, my phone went off with a text from her. i happily opened it.

thalia 🥺

do you want to come over and make a video with me today ? :)

jaden 🥺

id love to :)

ill be there at 3?

thalia 🥺

see you then :)

[end of chat]

i was still mad about the troy situation but i had to get over it eventually. i might talk to her about it though.

[time skip]

i arrived at thalias house and knocked on the door. she opened it smiling. she looked so beautiful. she welcomed me in and took me to her room. (where we were filming) she told me we were gonna do a truth or dare video. i then tweeted out:

give me and thalia questions and dares for a video!!

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