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jadens pov

i woke up this morning feeling a bit better until i found out bryce is having a party tonight. i guess he was trying to tell me yesterday but i kicked him out. he told me that he was going to tell me to apologize or at least be on good terms with thalia bc he was planning on inviting her. so basically fuck me. the whole point of me taking a break from her was to actually TAKE A BREAK from her. i'm not ready for tonight

thalia's pov

i woke up this morning excited. jaden needs to see that i'm fine without him or at least trying to be fine without him. anyways i got up and picked an outfit for the party.

thalia's outfit

i asked annalise how i looked and she said i looked good and honestly her opinion is the only one i care about right now so i think i'm prepared

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i asked annalise how i looked and she said i looked good and honestly her opinion is the only one i care about right now so i think i'm prepared. but now i have to wait until 6:30 to actually get ready. i'm so excited :)))

annalise pov

me and thalia are going to bryces party tonight. thalia looks so excited and i'm happy for her. i'm just happy that shes trying to stay positive. i hope tonight goes well and i dont have to deal with her upset for weeks at a time. 

[time skip] 

thalias pov

im currently at the party. i haven't seen jaden yet but im already drinking. annalise and i got here like an hour ago and im afraid that jaden wont see me but either way i look like a bad bitch and thats all that matters. i think. maybe not. you know what nevermind. 

[time skip] 

im hanging out with bryce now. bryce is actully a really good guy. when i first met him i thought he was just going to be sometime of misogynistic frat boy that only wants sex but hes really not. i think he just likes to have people think that in order to not look weak but in reality his personality is the complete opposite. he's kind, funny, and just a good person to be around. 

 we were talking about something random when i saw jaden in the corner of my eye. that fucking prick looks so good tonight and so happy. fuck me. he was talking to two guys i didnt really know, they looked familiar but i couldn't put my finger on it. soon enough he was looking around until his gaze landed on me. i immediately looked away and did something beyond stupid. 

i just kissed bryce and he kissed back. holy shit.  

authors note

well what do you know? ANOTHER SHORT CHAPTER IM SORRY!! its okay tho bc this was a juicy chapter?? 

um also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 27K READS!!!! thats honestly crazy bc my chapters are literal ass but i appreciate all of you SO MUCH!! 

okay so i know its been a while. whoops? LMAO i just havent really been in the mood to write so yeah.  anyways HAVE A GREAT DAY!! <3333

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