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annalise pov

thalia went to the beach today. im honestly kind of worried about her. i think she just needs to slow down and heal first. shes bottling everything up. i decided to text jaden and tell him to text her because i know thats whats hurting her more.

annalise :)

can you stop being a fucking pussy and text thalia


okay okay ill text her tonight

end of chat

[time skip]

its around eight and im waiting for this bitch to walk through the door to see if he texted her. soon enough thalia walked through with puffy eyes and red cheeks. wow, the texts must have gone great...

thalias pov

i walked in the apartment seeing annalise waiting for me on the couch. she saw me right away and hugged me immediately. i told her what happened and she was kind of shocked by my reaction. i never wanted to lose him or stop talking to him. i was upset because he wants a break from me. the cheating was one thing but for him to go and just cut me off without even explaining himself hurt more. all i wanted was an explaination.

i decided to go to bed. casually stalking him to see what hes doing. you know, crazy bitch things. anyways, i'm scrolling through his feed when i get a text from bryce.

i'm throwing a party tomorrow you should come

i think about what to respond for a bit. did he have any idea that i wasn't really in the best mood to party or? jaden was obviously gonna be there and i wasn't really trying to see him . but if i DID go i could walk in there like a bad bitch and make him jealous. you know what? i'm going

see you there :)

author note
sorry for not updating, one directions ten year anniversary was on thursday and there's so much going on that i needed to keep up w but shoutout my friend for giving me literally the idea for at least the next five chapters!! these chapters were written like a week ago and i was going to post them but i didn't know if i thought this chapter was at least decent so IM SORRY.

p.s. tysm for all the feedback on the book it makes me rlly happy to see ur comments 🥺 KEEP COMMENTING

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