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jadens pov

i woke up this morning feeling the most guilty i've ever felt. i'm too afraid to hear the words come out of her mouth. "we should just be friends" i know i shouldn't have done it or be making myself the victim but i just don't want to loose her. i've been lying in my bed for about an hour just contemplating what i'm going to do to make this better and i've realized there's nothing i can do. it's my fault and there's nothing i can do about it. i just want this to be over already.

[time skip]

guess what? i still haven't gotten out of bed. anthony and bryce came in my room to ask me what the hell i was thinking obviously i didn't have an answer so i just kicked them out of my room. i also got a text from annalise.

annalise :)

can you stop being a fucking pussy and text thalia

i don't know what to do. i know thalia's going to want to just be friends but idk if i can look at her in that way anymore. i can't talk to her knowing that she could possibly love someone else. i can't watch her move on. i told annalise that i would text her later tonight so i could think about what to say to her.

[time skip]

i've decided that i need to take a break from thalia. not because i'm upset with her but because i can't be just friends with her if i still have feelings. i just need time away from her so i can get over her. okay i'm gonna text her.

jaden 🥺

im sorry thalia. im sorry i hurt you. it was a drunk mistake and im sorry im so fucking dumb. i didnt text you because i was afraid of the outcome for us. i genuinely never meant to hurt you and i hate that i did. i think that we should take a break from each other.

author note

okay so idk why i made jaden so selfish in this but whatever. anyways mads and jaden were on a boat today all touchy and stuff 😔 all i have to say is i wish i were mads 😹😹😹 (as you saw in the last chapter i wrote these chapters like a week ago hence the mads comment)

p.s. i'm sorry my chapters are so short i've never been good at writing but it's fine i'll try to make them longer 💗



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