Loving Him

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Logan was standing on the ground with a pile of dead bodies surrounding him. He could hear the noises of the people around him trying to fight the enemy off with little luck. Gunshots being heard along with grunts being heard from around him. He had just looked in front of him when he barely dodged a hit. "Pay attention next time I won't miss", the enemy in front of him told him. Logan couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the person in front of him. Standing in front of him was William, a man with messy blond hair and gray eyes; he had been Logan's best friend. Someone who Logan had feelings for years has been close since they were young. Logan had been planning to tell him how he felt when something happened. Instead, he went behind Logan back and joined the rebellion group that opposed the leadership that governed them. Causing two to drift and become enemies, their old friendship soon becoming forgotten.

"I can't believe you stopped this low to kill the people who you once called your friends even to try and kill me", Logan asked, flustered that this was happening. He had never wanted it to be this way. He had never wanted to fight William but now seeing as they were standing in front of each other on opposite sides in the middle of a war he had no choice.

"Logan please let me explain it wasn't my idea", William had started before getting a cold look from Logan.

"No William you already had your chance a long time ago. We once promised each other that we would always have each other back through hell or high water. Did that promise mean nothing to you? Did I mean nothing to you", Logan asked, trying not to let his voice drop or crack trying to keep his head up high. He couldn't seem to do whenever it came to William he never could seem to control his emotions. Before William could say anything else he heard a gunshot and when he looked back at William. He was staggering and holding his hand to his side Logan was about to run toward him. Before looking around to see who fired the shot to see nobody. When he felt a punch hit him he looked up to see a man with messy brown hair wearing a black leather jacket standing in front of him. He set his gun down before smiling a cruel smile before he kicks Logan before Logan could dodge. Logan could feel as the pain quickly coursing through his body. The man showing no weakness hit Logan again and again with a mix of punches and kicks. Logan hit him hard the man smiled almost as if Logan punch didn't even phase him. As if the punch Logan threw was nothing. The man kicked Logan before Logan could do anything. As William was trying to stop the man walking slowly to the man.

"Please Chris stop , hasn't he had enough?"

Chris smiled before punching William. "No and nor have you been planning to let him live weren't you. I am here to finish the job you can't seem to finish. And dispose of you"

William gave a confused look trying to process what was going on. As far as he knew none the higher-ups had given this order. When he remembered someone who would do this. "This was Noah orders wasn't it?"

   Chris smiled while Logan looked confused. Who is Noah he asked himself?

William mumbled a curse that Logan couldn't hear. Logan felt his eyes beginning to grow heavier with each passing minute as the blood was coming out. He could faintly make out Chris grabbing his gun as he aimed at William on impulse Logan ran to save him. It didn't matter to him that William had betrayed him. Logan still loved him. The last thing Logan could remember was the sound of a police car and ambulance. Before looking up and William giving him a worried and tearful look. "Don't die on me not before you answered my question ", is all Logan hear say before all he saw was darkness.

Logan woke up expected to see a gateway or something that showed that he died. Instead, all he saw was William. The sun shining through the hospital wing. Before he could say anything. William engulfed him into a hug. "You idiot I was so damn worried about you", was all William said. Before Logan lifted William's chin before kissing him.

  After parting, William gave a confused look as if trying to process what was happening. Logan smiled looking at William with a loving look. "William never in a million years did I ever think I would fall in love with a guy or be confessing my love to a guy. But here we all me confessing my love to you. I know we have been through our shit hell I almost died. Even through we may fight and no matter how much I wanted to hate you for betraying me. I couldn't seem to hate you. Because of you leaving I realized something that you are my soulmate, my reason for living, and nothing will change that. No matter how far you may try to run from me I will always find you. Because you belong to me and I am not going to let anyone have you. I don't care if we fight every day I just want to be by your side. So please be mine because I love you, William, I truly do", Logan said before kissing William on the hand. Before pulling William closer. "That is my answer to your question"
William burst out laughing. "You are in the hospital after almost dying and you thinking about something I asked you beforehand. Seriously, Logan, I swear", he said with a sigh.

  Logan smiled back. "And your answer is?", he asked?

"I will try my best", William said with a smile.

"That is all I ask", Logan said before pulling William in for another kiss as they held each other tight never wanting to let go again.

"That is all I ask", Logan said before pulling William in for another kiss as they held each other tight never wanting to let go again

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