Best Friends For Forever (Sad)

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Ethan (age 16 dead)

Ethan (age 16 dead)

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Conner (age 24)

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Conner (age 24)

Conner (age 24)

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Alex (age 34)

Alex son (age 15)

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Alex son (age 15)

Conner had been standing outside wondering whether he should go in or not

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Conner had been standing outside wondering whether he should go in or not. Most of the time Conner seemed to always be brimming with confidence but for once he was nervous. She hesitated as he reached for the doorknob. He couldn't back down through he turned the doorknob before walking in. To see a man with blond hair and gray eyes wearing a white button-down shirt and black pants. He was wearing a huge smile just like he remembered he had always worn. Conner had always been the type to worry before talking to people from his past or people outside his family who he respected.  Conner made his way over to his table putting his bag down beside him. Conner looked expecting to see his wife beside him instead only to see a young boy with dirty blond hair and brown eyes. He knew without even asking that boy was Alex son. He is a spitting image of his father but he has his mother's eyes she thought before taking a seat. Conner was sure what to say to Alex. Alex had been a new teacher helper at Conner school since Conner was ten and was beloved by many until one day he left with his wife and five year old son when Conner was fifteen. He had left. Leaving the kids devasted and it didn't help that not even a  year afterward IT happened leaving the rest of the kids in pieces. He took a deep breath trying to think of something to say. Conner had decided it was time to tell Alex if he didn't know. Perhaps then Conner could get his closure and move on with his life. Alex's son pulled out a old beaten up Dragon Ball manga remainding Conner of the time Alex had brought it but claimed Conner was too young to read it. He couldn't help but remember for a moment before being snapped back into reality. "What did you want to talk", Alex asked in a concering voice.

  "About Ethan I don't know whether you know this or not but he is dead", Conner bluntly stated.

    "No I didn't since when?"

"A year after you left"

  "Oh, how did he die?"

"He died from saving a kid from a car"

   "Oh is that all?"

Conner felt frusted at Alex. "Are you kidding me Mr. King? You find out Ethan died and you aren't even the slightest bit effect?"

   "It does . So let me ask something what was the last thing you remember being him like and how did it happen?"

Conner smiled a sad smile. Before getting ready to tell him. "End of May or early June. This picture-perfect afternoon we shared. Drive the winding country road. Grab a scoop at À La Mode and then we're there. An open field that's framed with trees. We pick a spot and shoot the breezeLike buddies do quoting songs by our favorite bands. Telling jokes no one understands", Conner started trying not to cry as he somewhat sang. "Except us two and we talk and take in the view. All we see is sky for forever. We let the world pass by for forever. Feels like we could go on for forever this way. Two friends on a perfect day. We walk a while and talk about anything and everything. There's nothing that we can't discuss. Like the people we wish would notice us but never do. He looks around and says to me. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be". And I say, "me too". And we talk and take in the view. We just talk and take in the view. All we see is sky for forever. We let the world pass by for forever. Feels like we could go on for forever this way, this way. All we see is light for forever. 'Cause the sun shines bright for forever. Like we'll be alright for forever this way. Two friends on a perfect day. And there he goes. Racing toward the tallest tree. From far across the yellow field I hear him calling, "follow me" there we go. Wondering how the world might look from up so high. One foot after the other. One branch then to another. I climb higher and higher. I climb 'til the entire. Sun shines on my face. After a while I climb down and land on the ground hard. I look around and I see him come to get me. He's come to get me. And everything's okay. All we see is sky for forever. We let the world pass by for forever. Buddy, you and I for forever this way, this way. All we see is light. Cause the sun burns bright. We could be alright for forever this way. Two friends. True friends on a perfect day", Conner finished singing. Before resuming the story. " We were heading back when we saw a kid standing in the road alone. We saw a car driving who couldn't see the kid. I wanted to grab the kid but rather Ethan pushed me back before I could grabbing the kid and pushing the kid away as the car hit him. The next thing I remember was blood I called 911 and the kid and I waitied. Ethan sat in my lap I tried to keep the mood light but I couldn't.  Ethan told me he loved me and before I could say anything  he closed his eyes. Everything after that was a blurr. Doing his funeral some people blamed the kid while other blamed me. It was shitty", Conner finshed as tear began to fall down. He remembered the loss of his best friend. Alex then pulled Conner into a hug as they both couldn't help but cry.  Alex son just looked toward them confused as his father was hugging Conner. As the two continued to hug for a while missing Ethan.

*Author Note: I have writer block and am not going to be writing for a bit until I get some ideas so for now this story is complete. I loved writing this story and hope that one day that I can come back to this. Until then see you all around*

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