Addiction, Help, and Care

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A/N: Last Time I Said Sorry isn't the song I based the fanfic on. More like a song I thought fit the story

An addiction no matter what kind of it is never necessarily a good thing. It can lead to doing things you never thought that you would do. You become so focused on that one thing that you are always thinking about it. You stop living your life and live to satisfy that addiction when you never can. No matter what reason you give to justify it an addiction is never healthy. For certain addictions, it can cause you to miss out on parts of your life. For example, if you have an addiction to alcohol. You will drink and drink and drink the worst-case scenario is you might die. But if you manage not to. Parts of your life will be blacked out. You will be drunk and hungover most of the time. You will do things you don't remember and will later regret. But you might not be the only one who is suffering from the consequences of addiction. But the people you care about as well. Charlie Moriarty knew this all too well. He wasn't addicted to anything. But his best friend Erik was. Erik had a pretty bad breakup with his ex. It had resulted in yelling being heard throughout the night by the neighbors. Until finally it ended with the breakup. Erik, it was all his fault. Instead of spending a day maybe a few days mourning and feeling shitty. He like a "reasonable" adult went straight to alcohol. Almost the weekend since the break up he would drink from what he had bought either earlier in the week or that day. Drinking to his heart's delight. From wine to beer anything he could get his hands on. At first, Charlie had assumed it was the usual break up depression. Until it got worse. Charlie and Erik had made plans earlier in the week to spend some time together. At the time they didn't see each other often due to conflicting work schedules. So they decided to meet up a weekend they had a break from work. Charlie had been looking forward to the meeting. They had planned to watch movies/tv-shows together while eating their way through junk food maybe drinking. Not only that but catching on to each other lives maybe prank calling some people. Overall a fun weekend had been set. Charlie had planned to spend the weekend at Erik's house. Packing an overnight bag even. Charlie had driven to Erik's house parking on the sidewalk. Walking up to the door surprised to find it locked. He knocked on the door several times to no answer. To the point, he was starting to worry. Charlie looked under the mat to see if Erik still had his habit. Luckily old habits die hard. Charlie picked the key and used it to unlock the door before walking. The house ricking of the stitch alcohol. It was strong that Charlie was worried. He started to look for Erik as he continued throughout the house he found beer cans, wine bottles, and other alcoholic beverages littered everywhere. Not only that but a number of take-out places also littered near the couch area. Finally, he reached Erik's room where Erik at this point was passed out. Charlie let out a sigh. He was tempted to wake Erik up but choose not to. Instead, he went to find a trash bag. Once he did he started picking up all the alcoholic beverages that were littered across the floor. Cleaning the places to where it now no longer looked like a pigsty. Charlie out a groan. Before laughing to himself. Look at me picking up after a man in his mid-twenties man how I have fallen he thought to himself. After picking up everything Charlie started searching the kitchen to see if he could possibly find anything to cook. He was able to find enough ingredients to make some food. He started doing what he could to accomplish what he needed. He had been finishing up when Erik stumbled out his hair a mess. Charlie was platting the food making one for Erik. He thanked him as the two sat down and started to dig in. "So why are you here? I thought our meet up day was Saturday"

"I hate to tell you this Erik but today is Saturday"

"It is I didn't realize it", Erik said laughing it off. Causing Charlie to be considered about his friend.

"If you say so. For some reason when I came in there was take out and alcohol littered around. Not only that but the place stunk of alcohol. Care to tell me why that was", Charlie asked deciding to take the offensive side. Before Erik could try to deny it.

"Oh, there were sorry my place was a mess. I completely space out"

Which caused Charlie to be even more worried about his friend. Upon closer look, Charlie could see faint circles around Erik's eyes. He was about to say something when Erik got up pulled a beer out of his fridge and handed him one. Charlie thanked him and began to drink. As the day wore on the two had fun. Enjoying one another company. By the end of the weekend, Charlie had shaken it off. Thinking he was just over-worried. Until the day it got much worse. One day Charlie had decided to drop in for a surprise visit. But like last time the door was locked and Charlie had to find the key under the doormat. This time Erik was on the couch really drunk. Spurting off things Charlie took a closer look and could see a number of bottles and cans littered by his side. Erik had been about to get another. Barely able to get up when he noticed Charlie was there. "Oh hey, Charlie *hic* why are you here *hic*", he asked?

"I was here to check up on you"

"Oh I am fine", Erik reassured before tipping over. Charlie catching him in his arms. Erik stumbling out going to grab a bottle almost getting it when Charlie took the bottle out of his hand.

"No more alcohol for you"

"Why not *hic*?"

"Can you see what it is doing for you are obsessed about it? Your place looks like shitty a pigsty. I don't know how are living here. I know the breakup was shitty but Charlie you can't continue going on like this. Because at the rate you are going. Soon enough you're going to turn into an alcoholic"

"Come on your being silly Charlie *hic*. Besides alcohol was their *hic* when I needed it. It never yelled at me *hic*. It has been with me *hic*", Erik said stumbling on his feet.

"Erik please stop this it is killing me. I can't stand seeing you like this. Please stop", Charlie begged at this point was nearly in tears.

Erik gave him a look he stopped saying anything. Before crying himself. "I", he started not able to finish. Before Charlie pulled Erik into his arms hugging him tightly not letting go. As the two just stood there not saying a word. After that day a lot of things happened. Charlie managed to convince Erik to stop drinking as much. To stop relying on acholic in place of friends. He reassured Erik that he would always be there for him no matter what happened. Erik still drank but in moderation as he had before. Charlie keeping a close eye on Erik on what he drank for fear that Erik might turn to alcohol again.Which Erik never did at least in their time together.

Note: The ending of this story may have ended in a somewhat happy way. But sometimes that isn't life. If it were this easy in life then perhaps alcohol addiction wouldn't be a problem. Everything here is merely a story. 

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