One Night Stand? (Player boy Aizawa x Male Oc) Modern

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*Note Don't forget to play the song while you are reading**

After a long day of work, Aizawa had needed something to take his to mind off of it. So he had decided to head to a nearby boy and perhaps find someone. He felt himself get hard that's when Aizawa remembered he hadn't done it in nearly a week. Due to having to work more. Aizawa let out a sigh. It can't be helped he thought to himself.  Before he sat himself down in a seat and ordered a few drinks looking around trying to find someone to screw with. Aizawa never really had a type when it came to one night stands. He would usually prefer being top over bottom. He had been looking for someone when he saw a young man with blond hair and blue eyes who looked like he was in his early twenties enter the building.  Aizawa found himself looking toward the young man. He seems like the perfect person  Aizawa thought at the time. Before walking over and inviting the man over for a few drinks.   Aizawa quickly realized a few things about the man. Number one that the man was a writer. Number two that he was 20 exactly so he wasn't a minor. Number three that his name was Asmai.  After talking for a while Aizawa felt he couldn't hold back for much longer. Aizawa smiles his rare smile. "If you want something different then why don't you come to my place", he whispered in a husky voice. So why was Aizawa on a bed as the bottom with Asmai on top of him? Asmai continued to do many things to Aizawa leaving his mark everywhere. Acting more of a sadist then Aizawa thought he would be. By the end of the night more then a few condoms had been filled and for once Aizawa felt exhausted. He quickly felt himself pass out.

*The next day*

Aizawa woke up to a peaceful sleeping Leo. Aizawa picked up his phone to see the phone read 9:00 am. Shit, I am going to be late for work  Aizawa thought before getting up to leave. Leaving a note saying I had to go to work but call 502-1127-1989 if you ever want to hook up again -signed Aizawa. Quickly slipping on new clothes before heading to work. He had barely been able to make it on time. That day he had been eating lunch when he noticed he received a text from a mysterious number 502-822-1995.

502-822-1995: It's me Asmai remember I was wondering if you ever wanted to hook up again?

Aizawa thought for a moment. The sex with him is the best I have had in a while even if he did top me. It will be a pain in an ass if he tries to make it anything more. But it's not like that will happen  Aizawa thought shaking it off.  As he began to text back a reply.

*A month later*

Aizawa had expected it only to be a few more times. But over the course, it ended up being more than that. Asmai would often text him when they were working but had free time. They went on dates despite Aizawa's initial protest then had what Aizawa would call mind-blowing sex. With both of them often switching from top and bottom. Aizawa had quickly found himself thinking of Asmai more and more. He tried to shake it off but he couldn't seem to shake off the thought of the man. One night Aizawa had been sitting on the bed of his apartment after having sex after a date with Asmai. For some reason, Aizawa felt he wanted more.  For once in his life, the twenty-five man wanted something more than sex. I should know better I shouldn't expect more. It's all I am good for. It's not like I haven't been in relationships like this before. So why does this one feel different he asked himself? When he saw Asmai sitting next to him.

  "Is everything alright Aizawa"

"It's nothing. I'm grateful but you don't have to take me out I definitely enjoy having sex with you. Just text me when you want to hook up"

  "Is that what you think of me Aizawa? It's true I think we are compatible but that isn't the only reason I hang out with you. I wanted to get to know you better. That's why I keep asking you out. Did I not make myself clear"

   "But why what use am I? What else can I have to offer", Aizawa asked confused at what Asmai was saying.

"Well you are smart, charming, witty, you constantly make me smile, you love cats,  you are handsome, and so much more. I am already enchanted by just being with you. I wish you could see how amazing you are and that you aren't just a sex toy", Asmai said sweetly looking toward Aizawa with a loving look. Aizawa wasn't used to this ever since he was old enough he had been used to people only loving him for sex. To see this man see him as something more made him smile and his heart race.

   "I'll cause you trouble. I am possessive of things that are mine"

"I look forward to it and who to say I am not the same", Asmai asked before he pulled Aizawa into his arms and kissing Aizawa. The two men continued to hold one another just enjoying the company in one another. From then and from that night onward.


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