Returning and Love

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Seth bio

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Seth bio

Brandon took a deep breath before walking into the familiar school building. Brandon hadn't been walking for long when he saw Seth his back to a wall looking anger at him. "What the hell Brad you promised me that you would always be there for me. Yet you flaked out our sophomore year to attend some rich kid academy? Do you know how alone I was without you?"

Brandon felt his heartthrob of hurt. He felt bad that he had broken his promise to Seth. Part of Brandon felt love toward Seth. He had missed being near Seth and hearing his voice. He was one of the few reasons Brandon loved coming to school. Brandon's first year of public school hadn't been a good one. The kids would call him all sorts of names even a few of the teachers would call him annoying. And when Brandon's dad found out he had Bradon enrolled in a private school for his sophomore year. And it had taken a year of hard begging for Bradon to be able to return to the school his junior year. But Seth didn't know that. All Seth knew was that Brandon had just ditched him. "I'm sorry Seth but I had no choice"

Seth snuffed. "As if"

"It's true Seth"

"And why should I believe you?"

"Because Seth I spend the last year begging my dad to let me come back so I could see you again"

"Liar why should I believe you?"

Brandon not wanting it to drag out pulled Seth into a hug. "Because I love you and I would do anything to be by your side damn it"

"Wait what?"

"I said it I love you and nothing can change that I am sorry that you were alone. But my dad forced me to go to that school it wasn't my choice. Please, Seth, believe, I would never leave you intently"

"Fine but promise me that you will never leave me", Seth asked holding out one pinkie while Brandon intertwined his pinkie with Seth's.


Seth smiled before they both walked hand and hand to the lunchroom at sat down at there usual table. "When did you realize that you had fallen in love with me", Seth asked?

"It really wasn't a moment it was just one day I looked over to you and thought this is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with", Bradon answer honestly with a faint blush. "So what is your answer", Bradon asked?

"You already know my answer", Seth said before pulling Bradon into a kiss. As the two held each other in one another arms until the bell rang for class.


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