The Promise and Propsal

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Caleb was standing watching as his best friend Alex was picking a ring for his groom to be. Caleb instead of feeling happy felt something tugging at his heart. Instead of feeling happy for Alex for finding the love of his life, he felt jealous. That it wasn't him that he wasn't the one Alex was marrying in a few months. All of there lives or at least since both of their parents found out they were gay. They had been shipping the two only for both of them to brush the notion off. But right now Caleb wasn't sure how he felt about his best friend. It didn't help that he was supposed to spend all day helping Alex plan his proposal. "Caleb, which ring would you pick", Alex asked, snapping Caleb out of his daydream. Caleb looks at the displays of rings to see a pair His and Him half heart rings with the words Forever Yours engraved on the inside. Caleb pointed to the pair of rings. Just as he did he felt his heart tug again. "Caleb can you put on the ring for a second since you are around his size", Alex asked? Caleb smiled a fake smile before nodding yes. The ring fit perfectly as Caleb wore it he imagined what would've happened if he had told Alex how he felt. Maybe then he would be the one marrying him and not someone else. Alex talked with the jeweler talking about when he would pick it up. Caleb tuned out as he kept trying to shake off his feelings. The rest of the day consisted of Alex dragging Caleb around to places for the proposal to get the final details. At each place, Caleb would mostly tune out and would pay little attention to what was going on just wanting the miserable day to be over.  "Caleb is everything alright", Alex asked snapping Caleb out of another one of his daydreams. Caleb smiles another fake smile as he feels tears welling up.

"Yes", he said, trying not to let his voice crack. "If that is all I would like to go home now"

"No don't go just yet I have one last thing to do then you can go home"

"Then you can do it on your own. I'm going home", Caleb said harshly as he got into his car slamming the door in Alex's face. Before driving to the nearest gay bar and ordering a bottle of beer. Sitting alone feeling sorry for himself. He hadn't been sitting alone for long before he heard his phone. He looked to see Alex's name appear and he instantly hung up. Putting his phone on silent."Bartender another one on the rocks", he said the bartender gave a nod. He had been his third one on the rocks and he was starting to feel a little tipsy. When he looked to see Alex at the door. Ha, I must really be drunk if I am seeing him here he thought to himself. Before only seeing darkness. He woke up to the sunlight streaming in. To see himself shirtless with only his boxers on. He looked next to him to see shirtless Alex sleeping peacefully. What happened last night he asked himself. Before searching around to find his clothes on the floor. When a thought came to his mind. I couldn't have thought before picking his clothes up and getting himself dressed before leaving. Without leaving Alex a note. Never thinking he would see him again.

*Months later*

He was sitting at the bar tonight; it had been seven months /since that night. Since that day Caleb hadn't spoken to Alex's and he wasn't planning to. Fearing for what Alex would say to him. After missing call after call he had finally decided to block Alex number from his phone. Even having his number changed. He moved apartments; he put everything that Alex had given him into a box and put in the darkest corner of his closet. He was getting a drink at the same bar he had been ever since that night. When he saw Alex sitting in a seat alone. "It's been a while hasn't it Caleb"

"Why the hell are you here Alex? Shouldn't you be getting married", Caleb asked in no mood to deal with him. He had worked hard to forget about him. But no matter what he tried he couldn't seem to forget about him.

"Caleb about that night", Alex started.

"I'm leaving", he said, getting up to leave.

"Running away from me again"

Caleb rushed over to Alex and grabbed him by the collar. "What the hell do you know", he asked before putting him down. About to leave when Alex grabbed his arm.

"Why did you run off and leave me after that night?"

"Why should you care shouldn't you be worried about your fiance?"

"Caleb, why did you run away? Why did you block me? Why have I not heard anything from you in over a year?"

"Shut up, what do you know?"Caleb asked, almost yelling. "Do you know how hard it was for me to be apart from you distancing myself from you. How hard it has been for me to try and forget you. Yet here you are right in front of me. What kind of person loves their best friend who is getting married to another man? When the person knows that their best friend will never feel the same toward them. Over the last seven months, I kept racking my mind over and over trying to figure out why I couldn't stop thinking? But I couldn't help but think about you. Why did it have to be you of all people why couldn't it have been someone who would return my feelings", Caleb said, tears welled upon his face. His eyes are red and puffy. He was about to leave when Alex pulled him back down.

"Caleb, I had no intention of marrying someone else. How could I when there was someone else was in my heart my best friend"

Caleb froze for a moment. "Then why did you make me come with you to pick out the proposal. It seemed you got the wrong idea and drank yourself. I had been planning to tell you but when I woke up the morning after you were gone. I have spent the last seven months trying to find you. Just to tell you that", he said as he got on one knee with one of the rings already on his ring finger holding a box with the other. "I wasn't planning to ask you this at a bar but screw it.  I can't wait any longer. Caleb, I have known you for all of my life. You are the love of my life, my reason for living. My soulmate and my best friend and if you will have me your life partner. Will you marry me?"

Caleb felt tears well up in his face. All he could do was nod before pulling Alex up and kissing him. "

Alex smiled, putting the ring on Caleb's finger as they shared another kiss. Before leaving the bar and spending the night in each other's arms. As they tried to make up for all the time that they had lost.


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