Levi, Mysterious Writer, and Death (sad)

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Levi had just gotten home from working at school teaching English. After working overtime he had been tired especially of grading story after story. Because a decent number of the kid's stories felt like the usual. Each seemingly feeling like the one before. Causing Levi to wonder if these kids had any originality to them? After a while of feeling like this Levi had decided to pack up and go home to attempt at finishing his grading. Levi had just fixed himself dinner and had finished eating. Putting his phone on silence knowing that his boyfriend Erwin (who lived with him) would text him but Levi couldn't have any distractions. Then again his boyfriend was on a business trip and would be for at least another day. He pulled out his red pen from her briefcase with the next story ready to read another bad one. This one had seemed longer than the other ones. He started to read the first page and to his surprise he enjoyed it. Levi continued to read the story forgetting where he was at because he was so caught up in the story. Levi feeling something for the characters. Levi was curious about who this writer could be but as Levi looked to find the name he found no name attached to it. Levi checked again and again but he couldn't find the name of the writer to his dismay. Well shit, Levi cursed. Levi was frustrated that he didn't know who the writer was or even if he/she was in his class. He would have assumed so considering their story was in his papers to grade. Then again someone could've slipped it there without him knowing. Levi had been wondering this for a while when he remembered it was getting late and he still had work tomorrow. Levi decided to put it off until tomorrow and sleep. But not before texting Erwin about it.

Levi: So while I was grading my terrible student's stories when I found something

Erwin: And what was it?

Levi: I found this really amazing short story but there is a problem.

Erwin: But you said it was amazing so what is the problem?

Levi: I can't find their name on it anywhere.

Erwin: You can't?

Levi: No and it is eating me up I mean it is really good.

Erwin: Don't think about it then and sleep on it.

Levi: Sure why not?

Erwin: I love you Levi and I miss you

Levi: *eye roll* I love you too and miss you too

But Levi couldn't stop thinking about the writer of the short story. Levi soon found himself rereading the story again and for some reason, Levi felt himself cry before he could do anything. After many failed attempts to try and sleep Levi spent the night reading from his books to the short story to even on his phone. Causing Levi to be a little cracky. First period had just started when the intercom came on. "Attention students and teachers I regret to inform you but yesterday one of our students passed on", the principal said before pausing. Causing all of the students in Levi class to tear up. "Conner Handson died saving a kid from a racing track. Let us all remember him and instead of having classes use this time to heal", the principal continued before everyone nodded silently. As everyone began to cry even the seemingly tough kids were crying and for some reason Levi felt himself crying. But why it wasn't like he knew who Conner was so why was he crying? The only time he had cried was when. That's when it hit Levi who the writer of that story was it had been Conner. Which caused Levi to also cry and his wall breaking down and his usual poker face not on. This caused Levi to realize more about death that if it could take a kid it could take him any time. That night when Erwin came home Levi ran into his arms much to Erwin's surprise.

"What is this about?"

"That kid I told you about apparently is gone. He passed yesterday", Levi barely managed to get out. Erwin could see how sad his lover was and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Awwww and from what you told me he had so much potential"

"This just remains me how little time I have left will I die someday I am scared "

Erwin kissed Levi on the forehead. "Aren't we all scared sometimes but Levi you know I will always be here for you no matter what"

Levi gave a nod.

"So what are you going to do about that short story you told me about?"

"Ensure that it gets published and people read it. It is something that will honor Conner memory"

"I think Conner would have liked that idea", Erwin said before hugging Levi again as they spent the rest of the night in one another arms. Levi did have it published and everyone was amazed by his talent and were sad to see that the author had passed. What they hadn't known until later that Conner had years of finished stories waiting to be published which Levi would help publish but that is a story for another time.


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