Happier and Proposal (song fanfic)

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Peter woke up one morning expecting to find his lover Adrian sleeping right next to him like always was. Instead in his place, all Peter found was a note.

Dear Peter,

As you can tell from my side being empty when you woke up I have decided to leave. Not because I don't love you. No being with you was like living a dream. I want to change my mind. Cause this just don't feel right to me. Because lately, I've been, I've been thinking I want you to be happier, I want you to be happier. Even if that means that I can't be by your side because let's be honest you probably don't need me to be happy. Even if you hate me I want you to know that I love you. But I told myself and have convinced myself that I don't deserve you. I know you would try to talk me out of it. Saying I do but I don't feel like it. So until I can really find myself I won't contact you or see you. Again I am sorry about this Peter I hope one day you can forgive me for this.

Your formal lover ,


Peter wanted to find Adrian and tell him that he was wrong that Adrian deserved him. But unfornately he left no instuctions on where he had gone. Peter went through all of their memories together. Eating together, sleeping together, their first time, their first fight, making up every time, gay pride month. Ever pride month the two would party all night in support of pride month and now all of that was over. They had been together for years and Peter couldn't believe that Adrian had let his head get in the way again. Peter didn't want to believe it but after rereading the note he had no choice but to do so. Peter then began to cry and scream and cry. Even getting some ice cream and scress eating. He hated this he thought that his life would be over after this. Peter had been used to losing things. First his family and most of his friends when they found out he wasn't striaght. Jobs because he was gay. Other boyfriends because they either cheated on him or left him for someone else. But with Adrian Peter thought they were forever. And Peter would wait no matter how long it took for Adrian to come back.

* A Year later*

Peter was drinking at the bar not wanting to be remaided of Adrian. Because on days like today Peter could still feel his presence around him. Even after it being months since Adrian left. Peter had been remainded of it constantly some of Adrian stuff was still there. Peter had packed it all up, put it in a box, and put it in the back of his closet. Not wanting to be remained of Adrian then he already was. It also didn't help that Happier was playing a song that was a constant remainder of Adrian. Peter was on seventh or eighth drink truth be told he had lost count of how many a while ago. When Peter saw Adrian walk into the bar alone. Peter felt himself want to cry. He walked over to Adrian and despite wanting to Peter instead of hugging him. Peter slapped him on the cheek. "What the hell Adrian", he yelled causing people to look at him but Peter could give a shit what the other thought.

"Love I know you are angry but as I told you I need to find myself"

"Some excuse find myself my ass. You let yourself get to you Adrian. Do you know how much I wanted to forget you but couldn't. I missed you so much yet you left me. And now even after you left me I still love you damn it"

Adrian pulled Peter head to his chest. "I know love it was tough on me too whether you believe me or not is your choice. But every day I thought of you even when I wanted to come back to you. But I couldn't not until I knew who I was because you don't need someone who doubts themselves all the time. You need someone strong and confident in themselves"

Peter pulled away from Adrian. "I could care less if you are confident I don't need you to be that. I just needed you to be you and you left me", Peter cried all of the emotions coming out.

Adrian kissed the top of Peter head. "I know and I am sorry I left love but if you can ever forgive me and if you can't right now I would like to spend the rest of our lifes making it up to you", Adrian said before getting down on one knee. "Peter I know I probably don't deserve you sometimes. That I left you for a year but even apart you were and always will be my everything. So will you let me be by your side for the rest of our lifes", Adrian on one knee with a golden male ring pulled out. Peter didn't even need to think of the answer. He pulled Adrian up into a deep kiss.

"Yes", he said before kissing Adrian until they were both our of breath. As the people around them began to cheer and woot as Adrian and Peter shared another kiss. After parting as both of them having loving looks in their eyes. Before they both went back home. Adrian had been suprised to find his things still there. Peter had dragged them out and given them back to Adrian as they began to put the things back where they belonged. Before Adrian had to leave to grab the rest of his things from the hotel he was staying at. Before returning home to see Peter greeted him at the door with a welcome home and a huge loving look and smile on his face. Adrian returned the look before both of them went to their room. As the two men spend that night and every night after that being together.


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