It's Cold Outside

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A/N: It is that time of year again Christmas. Meaning it is also time for me to write a one shot featuring Christmas. I only used the image because it was the closest I could find to the image. 

Neil and Daniel had been having a fun night. Drinking, talking, eating, and just having a merry time. When Neil noticed it was getting late. He let out a sigh. He wanted to stay but he had to get home. "As much as I have enjoyed this Dan I have to get going", he said about to get up when Daniel stopped him. 

  "Come on a few more minutes"

  "Sorry I really can't stay any longer then I already have"

  "Come on it is a blizzard out their you can't possible go home tonight. Stay here I insist"

   Neil was tempted to take us offer but he shook his head. He hadn't gotten far opening the door when when Daniel hugged him from behind. Putting his head on the crook of Neil's neck. "This evening has been so very nice"

  "I'll hold your hands they're just like ice"

  "My mother will start to worry"

   "Beautiful what's your hurry?"

"Come on Dan as much as I appreciate the attention. I really must be going.  Unless you want my family barging in", Neil said before kissing Daniel on the lips before heading out the door. 

  "Come on do you really want to leave so soon", Daniel said giving Neil the puppy dog look. 

  "Fine maybe a drink more", Neil said closing the door. 

"I'll put some t.v on while I pour"

"The neighbors might think"

"Neil it's bad out there"

"Say what's in this drink?"


After finishing the drink Neil tried to get up. When Daniel gave him a loving look. "Your eyes are like starlight now. Your hair looks swell", Daniel said causing Neil to go red in the face. "Mind if move in closer?"

"At least I'm gonna say that I tried"

"What's the sense in hurting my pride?", Dan asked leaning his head back.

" I really can't stay", Neil said trying to get up when Dan put Neil drink the side and pulled him down.  As they stayed their just enjoying each other company for a little bit longer. Neil started to get up seeing is was later. "I simply must go"

  "But it's cold outside baby"

  "The answer is no Dan"

  "Come on it's cold outside", Daniel said before engulfing Neil in another hug.

   "The time has been very nice"

"How lucky that you dropped in

  "Look out the window at the snow", Daniel pointed out. "It is up to your knees out come on stay with me", Daniel said holding Neil hands in his. Leaning in for a kiss. Neil holding his head. As the two continued to debate whether he would stay or not. In the end after much convincing Neil agreed to stay calling his family up and telling them why he was coming home. After much private talk that Neil and kicked Daniel out of the room for. Neil agreed to stay over even putting on Daniel clothes. They had just gotten in bed and were sitting down. 

  "You are very pushy you know?"

  "I like to think of it as optimistic. Besides we both know that you love me"

   "I swear what am I going to do with you", Neil asked with a laugh. As Daniel pulled Neil back down to the covers. As  the two spent the rest of the night together. Just enjoying each other's company. Laughing, kissing, and just having fun. Because during the holidays that is what truly matters not the presents. But being with the people that you love. 


A/N: This story wasn't the greatest story I have written. Due to trying to make the deadline. So please excuse the badness of the quality. 

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