Friends, Date, and Love

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A/N: The song isn't really going with the story as it is more like something that helps devolpment. Listen to it when the time is right. 

Brandon settled down on his couch on his coffee table . He let out a groan before finding the remote to the t.v. Flipping through the channels trying to see if their was anything to watch. When he couldn't find he let out another groan and tapped his foot. When is that pizza guy going to get here he asked himself tapping his foot against the floor. He let his head fall back tempted to sleep. When the doorbell rang he slowly got up before seeing his next door neighbor Liam holding a box of pizza. "I believe this is yours", Liam said holding two large pizza boxes with his own bag on his arm.

"Where is the pizza guy", Brandon asked before taking the pizza.

"He left I was coming up so I thought I would deliver it and say him the time"

"Well thanks. So what is with the bag?"

"Oh this just a snack"

"I know this is going to sound strange but if you don't mind would you like to eat together? What do you think?"

"Sure why not it's not like I have anything else better to do. Besides I can't resist free food"

"When did I ever say you could?"

"I happen to have a bag of snacks and beer. It beats eating two large pizzas alone", the man said with a smile.

Brandon let out a chuckle. "I can't argue with that logic", Brandon said before opening the door and letting the man. Liam found the coffee table setting the pizza and the bag down. Before settling himself on the couch. Before Brandon settled himself down. Liam pulled out two beers handing one to Brandon. "Thanks"

"So what is on for tonight's entertainment?"

"Eh nothing much?"

"Seriously you have nothing to watch?"

"Nope", Brandon shook his head. Liam stole Brandon remote before clicking Brandon's Netflix. Before searching up Sherlock. "Ugh this show?"

"Do you have a problem with this", Liam asked giving Brandon a certain look.

"Not really it's just it's so dull? I have dropped it several times"

"Okay we are now watching it rather you like it or not?"

"You won't dare"

"Yes I would", Liam said with a smile before clicking the show. Liam pulled out everything in his bag. Now showing two six packs of beers and several kinds of chips. Brandon let out a groan before grabbing another beer. Brandon went to the kitchen to grab them some plastic plates and napkins before settling back down. As he took a sip before grabbing a slice of pepporoni with onions pizza expecting to be bored of the show. But instead this time he found himself being drawn in. Before both of them knew it they were on season two. Both of them now stuffed from both snacks and pizza. Once they got into A Scandal in Belgravia they were both silent for the most part. Only talking on occasion but as the ep continued they found themselves. Laughing and smiling along with the show. After as they were about to go onto the next ep Brandon paused the show.

"Can we talk about how at the start Sherlock wasn't wearing any pants?"

"Yes that was hilarious"

"I mean he was at Buckingham Palace yet he bore no pants. Best comedy moment is a show ever", Brandon said bursting out laughing. As Liam continued to laugh no longer able to hold it in. "This one of the best ep in t.v history. I mean any ep with someone not wearing any pants in a place is"

"Yes",Liam said with a smile. As the two continued to talk and soon seemed like best friends. Before they knew it was morning and the sun was shining in through the curtains both of them now fast asleep on the couch. As they continued to get to know each other over time. Brandon began to like Liam more and more. He liked the way Liam was always there for him. The loud laugh he made. The way Liam makes him laugh something Brandon didn't know much about. His bedhead was quite cute. Even his nerdness had it's charm. To Liam it was everything about Brandon. From his stubborness to his nature. Both of them soon realizing they loved one another but were afraid whether they should take it any futher. Until one day both of them had been eating out of two diffrent pizza boxes. They had learned a while ago that was enough to fill them up. "Hey Brandon this may sound crazy. But hey I might as well say it. We have been hanging out alot these past few months. Since then I have really gotten to know you better. And I was wondering if you would like to go out with me", Liam asked his hand around his neck. His face a deep shade of red. Brandon face went red as well.

"Go on a date with me?"

"Yeah", Liam said. Brandon sat there not saying anything before nodding his head. As they schedule the date. The night of the date Brandon had dressed casual and found himself dragged by Liam to a dance club. During it he felt himself feel unbelonged.

"I didn't know their was a club like this"

"Yeah I come here when I feel like having a good time", Liam said before the cupid shuffle began to play. "I love this song. Come let's dance"

"No", Brandon said shaking his head.

"Come on it will be f-un", Liam said. Brandon shook his head again. "Your no fun", Liam said with a pout when another song at this point was playing. "Come on am itching to get out the dance floor care to join me", he asked holding his hand out to Brandon.

"Sure why not", Brandon said before taking the hand. As they both got up and started to dance. Both of them smiling the entire time. Until See You Again started to play. Brandon started to get teary eye. Liam who had been dancing noticed this. He looked over to Brandon. 

  "Hey is something wrong?"

"No it's nothing really", Brandon said trying to make the tears that were forming disappear before he could. Liam grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the club. 

  "Brandon don't lie to me tell me what's going on"

"It's nothing really we can go back in"

   Liam took Brandon's face and put his hands on his cheeks pulling Brandon closer to him. "Brandon you can tell me"

 "It's just reminds me of a different time of my life. A time when I thought", Brandon could barely get out before tears began to stream down his face. Brandon buried himself into Liam chest barely being able to tell Liam. After he finished crying Liam pulled Brandon's head up. 

  "I'm sorry Liam that I had to show this side to you"

  "Brandon their is no reason to apology really. I love even this side of you it", Liam said before processing what he said. His face turning red as he realized what he had said. "I'm sorry I meant", he started before Brandon chuckle his mood now lighter. Now that he had a good cry as Liam was stumbling away. Brandon put his lips on Liam closing his eyes as Liam soon returned the kiss. The two standing there just kissing. Before parting Brandon pulled Liam head into his crook of his neck. "You idiot I swear what am I going to do with you", he teased before kissing the crown of Liam's head. Liam's face now beet red before going to start and was stumbling through words. "I love you", Brandon said before smiling softly toward Liam. Liam looked up his face going red. As the two of them stood there in silence just enjoying each other's company. Before going back home hand in hand. As they went to Brandon's apartment and spent the rest of the night just being there for each other. Along with the rest of their lifes even getting married not long after. But that is a story for another time. 


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