Lovers or Friends

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Eren was sitting in his room reading on his phone when his phone started to buzz. He looked to see the name Hinata. Eren let out a sigh. He always hated doing this. How many times have I told him no he asked himself? Before answering, prepare himself for having to break it to him again. Before Hinata could even start Eren rolled his eyes before beginning to say what he said every time. "You say you love me I say you are crazy. We are nothing more than friends. You're not my lover, more like a brother. I have known you since we were like ten yeah. Don't mess it up, talking that shit. Only gonna push me away, that's it. When you say you love me, that makes me crazy. Here we go again. Don't go look at me with that look in your eye", Eren said hoping that would end it.

"Eren but I", Hinata started

Eren sighed. "You really ain't going away without a fight. You can't be reasoned with, I'm done being polite. I've told you one, two, three, four, five, six thousand times", he started counting on his fingers before continuing. "Haven't I made it obvious? Haven't I made it clear? Want me to spell it out for you? F-R-I-E-N-D-S", he said before hanging up the phone. Hinata put his hands to his head as the words that Eren had just told him kept repeating over and over in his mind. No matter what I tried, all Eren does is push me away. Maybe I should give up Hinata thought to himself. But could he really give up since he has loved Eren since they were children? Hinata thought back to all the times they had shared. Where had everything gone downhill Hinata asked himself. For the next few days, that was all Hinata could think about asking himself time and time again why he loved Eren. Why Eren had become who he was. Not even being able to sleep causing black circles to form around his eyes. Hinata had been eating alone again, Eren refusing to sit by him to hang out with his so-called friends. That's when it hit Hinata. I'm such an idiot this all started when he started hanging out with his so-called "friends" he thought. But though Hinata had found the answer he knew nothing would change as long as Eren hung out with them. Hinata had always hated him and no matter how many times Hinata had told Eren they weren't good people. Eren would just brush him off. Hinata had been thinking of this when he felt somebody touch his shoulder. Hinata looked up hoping it was Eren instead; it was a girl with long reddish-brown hair, hazel eyes, wearing a pink shirt underneath a black leather jacket along with a man with messy-ish brown hair and blue eyes wearing a black shirt. Hinata could have sworn he had seen them somewhere but he couldn't remember where. The girl kneed down to Hinata. "Is something wrong"

"It's nothing", Hinata lied.

"If it was nothing then we wouldn't have come over", the man said.

The girl embowed the man. The man groaned in pain. "Richard at least try to be sympathetic"

"Fine Rory ", the man called Richard said. Before mumbling something. Only to be elbowed again.

"Ignore my boyfriend he can sometimes be a bit grumpy when he doesn't get food", Rory apologized. Causing Richard to go red. He had been about to mumble something when Rory pulled him into a kiss. "Are you happy now", she asked?

"Shut up", Richard said.

Rory shook her head. "Come on we both know you love me. So save me the trouble and admit it", Rory teased before kissed on the head. While Richard kissed her tenderly on the forehead. Hinata sighed he was jealous of the couple. They had something he could never have love for one another. Something that Eren refused to give.

"I want to be lovey-dovey too. It's not fair", he cried out causing the couple to look at him.

"I forgot he was here"

"So did I", Richard said in agreement. "Should we comfort him", Richard asked?

"You already know the answer", Rory said before hugging Hinata reassuring him that everything would be fine. What they didn't know was Eren was watching the scene and for some reason, he felt angry watching Hinata hanging out with other people. But why do I feel like this? I should be happy that Hinata is starting to move on from me. That he won't be confessing his love, to me. So why am I not happy Eren asked himself.

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