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Joe is standing outside the door. His heart beat faster than he ever thought it could beat. Never had he been so nervous in his life. His whole body was trembling as he touched the doorknob before opening the door. He looked to see his partner sitting on the bed computer on his lap. Joe walked slowly, his heartbeat racing with every step as he took a seat on the edge of the bed. "What do you want? Have you come to fight with me again?"

It broke Joe's heart to see his partner acting like this. Joe was trying to hold in his tears. He took the computer off his Blake's lap. Before bringing Blake's hand to his heart. " Blake I know this will probably sound like all talk. But can you listen to me until the end? If you're still mad at me afterward you can do whatever you want just please don't leave I beg you", Joe said Blake sighed but nodded. Joe pulled his phone out of pocket. Before he began to sing.

"I won't say I'm sorry over and over

Can't just say I'm sorry, I've gotta show you

I won't do it again, I'll prove my love is true

I hope the last time I said sorry

Is the last time I'll say sorry to you

The first time I slept on the couch was our first New Year's Eve", Joe sang, being reminded of that night. Blake had been gone for the night. When Blake came back home not only did Blake smell like alcohol l but also men's cologne. Usually, Joe won't have cared but that night he had been drinking. Not only that but he kept seeing pictures of people posting pictures of their New Year Eve with their loved ones. Making Joe feel especially lonely. Missing his partner even more. So when Blake came home smelling like another man. It was already hard enough keeping people from hitting on Blake. Since Blake looks were quite handsome it didn't help not only did Joe have to deal with the other gender. But he had to make sure that Blake wasn't taken from him by his own gender. Plus the person Blake had been out with was someone that he been friends with for a while. Even having a crush on him for a small time which Joe never liked. Thinking Blake may go back to him. Without thinking Joe unleashed all of his anger on Blake. Saying curse word after curse word. Words that Joe quickly regretted. Before he could stop Blake kicked him out of the room telling him to sleep on the couch. As Joe sang this he was trying not to cry as he continued to sing. "I heard words come out of my mouth that I still can't believe. Broken hearts and shattered champagne

We both don't wanna feel that again

The second I apologized you said, "Boy, I don't know"

I said it 'cause I meant it, but you still wouldn't let it go

So I swallow my pride, see it from your side", Joe sang for the remainder of the second night. When he went tail between his ages. Trying to convince Blake he was intoxicated and none of the words he said meant anything. Blake fought and after both sides were hurt. Joe thought to see it from Blake's side. He thought hard about the night and by the time he remained it. He was crying tears that couldn't stop flowing from his face. Until Blake could see even cupping Joe's face before kissing him over and over. As Joe kept begging and promising to do better. That night hadn't been good. Joe at this point was starting to choke in his singing. Tear slowly coming down. He took a deep breath one, two, and three. Before continuing to sing.

"I promise I'll do the best I can do

I won't say I'm sorry over and over

Can't just say I'm sorry, I've gotta show you

I won't do it again, I'll prove my love is true

I hope the last time I said sorry

Is the last time I'll say sorry to you

No, oh, oh-oh (Oh)

No, oh, oh-oh

To you

No, oh, oh-oh

No, oh, oh-oh

The last time I said sorry

Is the last time I'll say sorry", Joe sang putting his heart into the song. He climbed closer to the bed. Blake now lets him on the bed. Joe gave Blake a loving look before pulling Blake's head into his arms. Hitting it gently.

"If I could build a perfect world I'd only make you smile

I'd hang the stars, the sun, and moon outside this room but I'll

I'll never be perfect, though I'm gonna try

Oh, I'm gonna do better I swear that I

I won't say I'm sorry over and over

Can't just say I'm sorry, I've gotta show you

I won't do it again, I'll prove my love is true

I hope the last time I said sorry

Is the last time I'll say sorry to you", Joe said crying as he continued to sing but by the last verse. He was crying his heart out giving Blake a look of sorrow. "Can you ever forgive me for being an idiot? I promise I will do better by you", Joe said tears now streaming down his face. As he held Blake's hand.

"Yes, I can because neither of us are perfect. If we were then what would we be? I can see that you are sorry for what happened. But I am sorry for my actions too. Can you forgive what I said?"

"Why won't I forgive you? You are my other half. The person I wake up to every morning. The person who completes me. You are my everything, the thing I live for, you are the first thought I think of when I wake up and the last when I sleep. I even have dreams about you and I couldn't be any happier"

Blake's face went red. "I"

Joe couldn't help but laugh and embraced him. As Blake kept trying to hide their face still red. Joe loved this side of Blake ever after all of this time. Blake pulled Joe into a kiss before Joe could say anything. After this time, the kiss still felt new and fresh and was full of love. As the two spend the rest of the night making up for the lost time. Spending the night just enjoying another company and that to them was what mattered.


A/N: I have been wanting to write this for a while ever since I heard of this song. I just couldn't seem to think of how to write this. I had what would happen in my mind. The main reason this took so long was I wasn't sure how to word it. This may be my last entry for a while. Which is why I always mark this as complete due to me not knowing when I am going to update next. Usually I delete works I don't do well with. But this collection of one shots means a lot to me personally. It has some pretty solid works that I don't want to delete. Some of them really good. Not only that but it gave me something to write with the later half of 2020. Now since the yr is coming to an end. Finally the horrible year that was 2020 is coming to an end. This might be my last update for a while. But who knows. That is all I have to say. Signing off.


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