Reality or Dream?

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*Note this isn't a Frozen 2 fanfic just a story that this song happens to go with. Don't forget to play the song while you are reading*

Adam had found himself walking toward a certain building. He wasn't sure why he was through. He didn't remember being here before so why was he here on the cold winter day outside of a building he hadn't been too before. "Every inch of me is trembling. But not from the cold. Something is familiar. Like a dream, I can reach but not quite hold. I can sense you there. Like a friend, I've always known. I'm arriving and it feels like I am home", he said before reaching to open the door. He reached for the handle and to his surprise, he found that the door was open. He walked into the building. While he was he found himself recalling memories from years ago. Memories he thought he had forgotten. Adam soon found himself crying. When he thought he heard a noise coming inside the building. He looked around trying to find the person making the noise but couldn't. "Is anyone here", he called out. At that moment he felt his heart lighten up as if someone he knew was there. Ever since he was a teenager he had felt like something was missing from his life. Maybe the other person in the building was the thing he was missing. "Show yourself. I'm dying to meet you show yourself. It's your turn. Are you the one I've been looking for. All of my life? Show yourself", Adam said again. Before he heard the noise again. Adam walked trying to follow the faint sound of the voice he could hear. "Show yourself, let me see who you are". After waiting Adam heard the faint voice again. "Oh, show yourself. Let me see who you are. Don't make me wait. One moment more", Adam called walking across the building as more memories began to flood into him. All those happy times even the sad times. Adam forgot why he chooses to forget about them. Adam had reached the end of the building to see another door. He expected to be unlocked only to find that it was locked. "Open your door. Don't make me wait. One moment more", Adam called several times before he felt the door unlock to be greeted by a man with blond hair and green eyes with a buff built wearing a white collard shirt and black pants standing in front of him. Adam ran up to hug the man. This must be the person that I am waiting for Adam thought. The man instead of hugging him pushed Adam away.

"Adam its time for you to move on", the man said with a frown on his face.

"What the hell are you talking about moving on", Adam asked confused. When another flood of memories hit him causing Adam to go down to one knee. He remembered everything. That man had been Ren his husband and the love of his life whom he met at there old aftercare program. Unfortunately for Adam Ren had died a month ago. He had pushed Adam out of the way before a car could run over him. Adam could remember the funeral it had been raining and everyone was dressed in black. Some people had tried to blame him for the accident at least that was what Adam heard. He remembered instead of attending the funeral he had chosen to stay home hiding from the truth. "Ren I miss you"

Ren smile a sad smile. "I miss you too Adam. But you need to move on and if you still can't move on. Know two things I will always love you and I will be waiting for you", Ren said before pulling Adam in for one last kiss as both of them cried. Before sharing one last kiss before Adam ascended into darkness. Adam opened his eyes to find himself home his eyes filled with tears. He looked only to find the other side empty. Adam got up before walking to his bathroom opening the door expected to find nobody when instead he saw Ren standing at the counter. "Morning sleepy head", Ren greeted.

"But how you can't be here you are dead?"

"Ren I think you have been writing to many sad stories because I am very much alive", Ren said before kissing Adam on the forehead. Wait was that all a dream? But why did he have it if Ren wasn't dead Adam asked himself. When he remembered something he had been trying to write a story about someone trying to cope with the loss of their loved one. When he had fallen asleep no wonder he couldn't remember anything. He pulled Ren closer to him before hugging him tightly. "What is this for?"

"Nothing I just love you, Ren", Adam said before pulling Ren into a kiss. Determined that no matter what happened he was going to treasure the time he had with Ren.


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