To Tell or Not To Tell (Lucifer x Diavalo)

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As all of you know is that my favorite character is Lucifer the oldest brother. What you may not know is one of my OTPs in the game is Diavalo x Lucifer because of how much like a couple they act. So recently I accessed a chat with Diavalo about something that Lucifer had tried to cook and thought why don't I make into a short fanfic? So here you all I hope you enjoy this. Unlike my most BL fluff shots it is more humor then serious.

Andy had assisted in helping the oldest brother Lucifer in making Lucifer's boyfriend Diavalo his favorite treat for their six month anniversary. What Andy didn't know at the time what would happen because of Lucifer and his lack of being able to cook certain things. It had been a few days since Andy had helped Lucifer. Andy had been sitting in her room reading a book when she heard her phone buzz. She looked to see that Diavolo was calling her she slide the answer button.

   "Hey, Andy. I had a small favor to ask. It's about what Lucifer made. You know what I am talking about right?"

"It was the hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies right? Either that or the flaming gecko pudding", Andy asked unsure what she helped make.

"While I am a fan of both I prefer hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies. And if I am correct you assisted Lucy in making them, right?"

"I don't know what you are talking about", Andy lied in an attempt to give Lucifer all the credit. And it was somewhat truthfully Andy didn't do much in helping all she did was read off the recipe.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten already. I find that very hard to believe. Lucy told me about it. And he mentioned that you made them together"

    "All I did was read off the recipe everything else was all Lucifer"

"When I heard my boyfriend had tried his hand at making one of my favorite treats, well... I figured that as long as he made them. I should at least try one so I tried one and......."

       "And I assume it didn't kill you now did it?"

"No somehow I managed to survive. In any event, Andy, do me a favor, and NEVER EVER let Lucy make those again. Please I beg you"

"Okay, and why aren't you telling him this yourself, Dio?"

   "I may be his boyfriend but he takes somethings better coming from you than coming from me"

"Seriously that's your reasoning"

"Yes and I wish you luck bye"

     Andy didn't know what to do. Should she tell Lucifer the truth or just keep it quiet in an attempt that he will forget? Andy didn't get a lot of time to think because she heard a knock at her door. Andy got up to answer to see Lucifer standing there. Wearing his usual outfit. "I had been about to head over to Dio's place when I heard you talking. Who were to? It won't happen to be Dio would it?"

Damn Lucifer sure is sharp Andy thought. "Yes"

   "So did he mention what he thought of the hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies that I made him", Lucifer asked. Andy was debating whether she should tell him or not. On one hand, if she did he could kill her if he was angry enough. He had tried to do that a few times before. Or she could have Diavolo tell him and making Diavalo to step up. Or she could do nether and lie to his face and attempt to move the conversion. When finally Andy reached her choice she first prayed before taking a deep breath.

     "About that Lucifer Diavolo while he was touched by the romantic gesture. Your hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies nearly killed your boyfriend", Andy said bluntly pulling no punches.

"Impossible I know how to cook you must be joking?"

    "Unfortunately Lucifer I am not joking I am sure if you tried one Diavolo may be right"

"Fine only to prove you both are wrong", Lucifer said before going to fetch the remaining that were left. That somehow were left even through Beelzebub (Andy's boyfriend) lived with them and eat nearly everything. Even he must have figured they were bad and even he stayed away from them Andy thought. Before Lucifer returned with the remaining on a plate before stuffing one into Andy's mouth before she could say anything. Andy counted down on her finger until she saw Lucifer had blacked out. Before finding the nearest trash can and throwing the cookie in it. Damn Diavalo had been right I didn't even finish it and it was bad. I'm glad I didn't because it looks like Lucifer may be out for a bit she thought before picking up Lucifer and dragging him into her room. Before dialing Diavolo number.

"Okay, I did what you said. Lucifer tried one but he is kinda knocked out cold. And since I did something for you. You should come and pick up your loving boyfriend and spend the night with him. You at least own him that"

Diavolo said nothing before hanging up and not even five minutes later rang the doorbell. As Andy carried Lucifer down with her boyfriend's help before hanging over the still passed out Lucifer to Diavalo awaiting arms. Before he whispered thank you to both of them only there to be nothing said but a nod. Andy closed the door but not before watching Diavolo carry Lucifer away.


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