Heartbreak, Seven Minutes, and Promise (Kirishima x Yokozawa college)

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*Note Kirishima was a junior in college when this started and Yokozawa was 20 of course*

They were now in their second year in college and through Takano and Asmai (an old friend of Takano and his since their junior year of high school ) were close. Takano (who Yokozawa had a crush on Takano since there freshmen year of high school) who had broken his heart for a boy named Ristu. And Asmai had his own boyfriend Yokogawa had been planning for another night of drinking like he had every other night. Somehow he had always ended back home without remembering who took him home. Instead, Asmai insisted on having Yokozaqwa come with him and Asmai boyfriend Ren a party hosted by someone Ren knew. After much protest and Asmai promising to make it up later. Yokozawa had found himself being dragged along to the party with Asmai and Ren. Yokozawa had been drinking all throughout the night. When he found himself being dragged by a group of people and being pushed into a closet for seven minutes in heaven. Yokozawa had been sitting in silence when he started to say something. He looked to see a man with messy brown hair and hazel brown eyes sitting next to him. "I don't know why I agreed to come here", Yokozawa said.

"You and me both", the man replied.

"I mean I just got over heartbreak and being dragged out to see a bunch of couples with my best friend who has a bf isn't helping me feel better. Honestly, it is just making it feel more shitty"

"You and me both I was dragged here by my ex Sakura in an attempt to make it up to me. And it looks like it working out considering I got to see you", the voice replied.

"You must have me confused with someone else"

"I don't think I do Takafumi"

"How the hell do you know my name?"

The man puts his arms on his chest. "Everyone knows the name of the spunky young wild bear of campus"

"I already have a nickname great can my week get any worse?"

"Depends how bad has your week been?"

"At this point, I don't care who knows. Well, I got my heart broken by one of my best friends for his underclassmen. So yeah my week has been shit. Then to make it worse I got dragged by my other best friend to this shit party. Before trying to drink my sorrows away but then got dragged into this game so yeah my week has been shit", Yokozawa was slurring a bit tipsy.

"First thing is first no more drinks for you. Second of all, it can't be that bad Yokozawa"

"Well screw this I am leaving now where the hell is my phone", Yokozawa asked before searching his pockets for his phone. The man held up a phone.

"You mean this I found this", the man said hanging Yokozawa the phone. "Btw my name is Zen Kirishima thanks for asking", he said sarcastically.

"Thanks", Yokozawa said before getting up ready to leave before Kirishima brought him down.

"No way in hell are you leaving alone you are too drunk. And assuming your best friend and his boyfriend drink you are going to need a ride home. So I will take responsibility for you", Kirishima insisted and before Yokozawa could protest he found himself being dragged by Kirishima out of the closest. Before Kirishima told Asmai

everything and Asmai agreed. Before Yokozawa was stuck in a car being driven home by Kirishima. Afterward, Kirishima kept inviting Yokozawa places. Despite Yokozawa's initial protest he agreed. Sometimes Asmai and Ren would come with them but mostly it was Kirishima alone. Yokozawa had found surprising him and Kirishima had a lot in common they both wanted to work in the manga business. Kirishima interning at a place called Marukawa publishing and was working on getting Yokozawa a part-time job. Both of them had each other numbers and Yokozawa would often find himself ranting to Kirishima when he felt like it. Kirishima always seemed fine with it and a few months later Yokozawa had found himself feeling something for the brown-haired man. Yokozawa was trying to shake it off. But Kirishima kept coming back and no matter what Yokozawa found himself thinking of Kirishima. One night Asmai and Yokozawa had been drinking. Yokozawa was drunk really drunk. "What do you think", Yokozawa said with a hic looking to Asmai who wasn't drunk.

"It sounds like you love him Takafumi because he is all you ever talk about", Asmai answered knowing his friend's crush on Kirishima. To him it was obvious but he knew Yokozawa would never tell Kirishima so he had called Kirishima a while ago to get him to take Yokozawa home.

"Can you blame me honestly Asmai he is everything I could ever want. He is better than Takano he is always their no matter what shit I put him through. He makes me feel happier than I have ever been"

Asami nodded before spotting Kirishima and while Yokozawa was in the bathroom waved Kirishima over and left. Yokozawa came to the table drunk putting his head down on the bar not seeing Kirishima. "How am I supposed to tell him that I love him Asami? I mean it wasn't like I wanted to fall for him it was just one day I looked to him and thought I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with him. But I bet he doesn't feel the same. And why would he I get angry and jealous easily. I can be stubborn and sometimes an ass hole"

Kirishima couldn't help but think that Yokozawa was adorable even if he was drunk. "I swear", Kirishima mutters before pulling Yokozawa into a kiss. "You always are troublesome at times"

Yokozawa looks to see Kirishima. "How the hell long have you been there?"

"Long enough", he answered.

"Now where you going to tell me something?"


"I swear you have been like this since I first met you and brought you home every time you got drunk. But it isn't like I can change that part of you. Considering that is the part I fell in love with. Yokozawa I am fine if you get jealous because it shows you care. And besides Yokozawa I have loved you for a long time now since thoses nights at the bar", Kirishima said before pulling Yokozawa into another kiss. As Yokozawa remembered the nights he was brought home. So it was him of course it was him Yokozwa thought.

"You know I won't forgive you if you break my heart and toss me aside"

"Roger that and I don't plan too", Kirishima said before taking Yokozawa to Yokozawa apartment as they spent that night and every night after that in each other's arms.


*Note: Kirishima and Yokozawa took Hiyori after Sakura died a few years later. Hiyori would still be Kirishima child because Sakura would use Kirishima sperm . Neither less and both Kirishima and Yokozawa love her and treat her like their daughter.

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