Heartbreak, For Forever, and Lies? (Neji)

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*Note: Neji and Asmai are sixteen in this and dating. Kakashi took Asmai in when Asmai tried to pickpocket him on a mission. And I changed For Forever to reflect on Neji and Asmai as a couple*

Asmai had just gotten home his eyes were swollen from crying. He hadn't even gotten through the door when he saw Kakashi in the doorway with a synthetic look. "I heard from Gai was it really that bad", he asked? Asmai nodded slowly before barely being able to look up. Earlier that day he had been about to go meet his boyfriend Neji. When he found him with Ten Ten and hum kissing. Unfortunately, he hadn't been the only one who noticed, and soon most of the villagers were whispering about Ten Ten and Neji. Asmai had gone to cry and when Neji had wanted to talk Asmai just pushed him away. "Is there anything you want?"

   "Do we have any ice cream left?"

"Yes, why?"

"Good now if you don't mind I am going to drown sorrows in it", Asmai said before opening the fridge and pulling out a tube of chocolate ice cream and grabbing a spoon. The heartbreak was bad enough and it didn't help a few days earlier they had gone on a perfect date a few days beforehand. Asmai took a deep breath before somewhat singing.  "This picture-perfect afternoon we shared. Drive the winding country road. Grab a scoop at À La Mode. And then we're there. An open field that's framed with trees. We pick a spot and shoot the breeze. Like couples do. Sitting and talking. Telling jokes nobody understands. Ranting about life to each other. And we talk and take in the view. All we see is  sky forever. We let the world pass by for forever. Feels like we could go on for forever this way. Two lovers on a perfect day. We walk and talk awhile about our missions. Our future and what might be. If we would adopt or not if we would stay who we are. What we would do the anbu. Their nothing we couldn't discuss. He looked at me and says to me. There is no place I would rather be and nobody I would rather be than with you. And I say me too. And we talk and take in the view. We let the world pass by for forever. Feels like we could go on for forever this way, this way. All we see is light for forever. 'Cause the sun shines bright for forever. Like we'll be alright for forever this way. Two lovers on a perfect day. And there he goes. Racing toward the tallest tree. From far across the yellow field I hear him calling, "follow me" there we go. Wondering how the world might look from up so high. One foot after the other. One branch then to another. I climb higher and higher. I climb 'til the entire. Sun shines on my face. And I suddenly feel the branch give way. I'm on the ground. My arm goes numb and I fell pain for a moment. I look around. And I see him come to get me. He's come to get me. And everything's okay. All we see is sky for forever. We let the world pass by for forever. He said you and I for forever this way, this way. All we see is light. 'Cause the sun burns bright. We could be alright for forever this way. Lovers True lovers on a perfect day", Asmai finished before feeling tears stream down his face. Kakashi pulled into a tight hug. "Thanks, dad"
    "It's not a problem", Kakashi said with a sad smile.
As the father and son hugged each other the ice cream laying forgotten when they both heard the doorbell ring. Kakashi went up to answer it to see Neji standing there with chocolates and roses. Asmai rose up crossing his arms against his chest. He had been about to slam the door when Kakashi gave him a look. "Let's hear at least what he has to say before you slam the door", Kakashi said. Asami gave a groan and nodded.
"What the hell do you want Neji?"
  "She kissed me first please believe me", Neji begged.
Asmai gave a laugh. "Why should I?"
  "Because I love you Asmai truly I do and I would never cheat on you"
"How the hell do I know that you aren't lying to me?"

   "We have been dating for two years now and do you honestly think I would be here begging you if I really cheat on you? Please you are my everything and I can't lose you. Please believe me", Neji begged. Asmai looked to Kakashi.
   "I don't think he is lying I have been on many missions and can tell if someone is lying and I don't think he is", Kakashi respond.
"Fine but you better not break my heart if you do I will never forgive you", Asmai said bluntly.
   Neji pulled Asmai into a kiss. "I promise I won't if it makes you happy I told Ten Ten to back off and that I was dating you"
  "Why didn't you say that before?"
"You won't let me"
"True", Asmai said before pulling Neji into another kiss. Kakashi who had left and was smiling. Leaving to two alone.


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