I Love You

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Seth woke to see the early morning light peeking through his window. He slowly let his eyes adjust to the light. He checked his phone to see what time it was. To see he still had at least an hour until he needed to get up. He looked expecting to see the strawberry blond hair belonging to the person who had occupied the bed last night. Only to find an empty spot with the person's scent still lingering. Seth looked everywhere around his room for even a bit of remainder that the person had been there. Maybe a note telling him where they went. Only to find nothing. Seth had nothing left. Seth didn't know what to say. He thought the kiss they had shared the night before had meant something. But it seems it didn't at least not to him. He wondered if it was too early for ice cream.  He was just about to open the freezer when Seth got a ping on his phone to see a notification from that person. Sorry I had to leave. I forgot I had work today, sorry. The text read Seth didn't know whether he should be sad, disappointed, or angry. Ah, screw it he thought. He opened his freezer and pulled out the tub of chocolate ice cream. Went to his silverware drawer and dug out a spoon. Before unlocking his phone which closed and dialed his work before making some excuse on why he was skipping. Seth hardly missed work and people tended to call him a workaholic. So it wouldn't kill work if Seth missed one day. Besides Seth knew even if he went he probably wouldn't get much work done. Not with a certain strawberry blond hair occupying Seth's mind. Seth randomly went through the channels until he found a random channel playing anime. Seth hadn't been sitting long when he heard the doorbell ring. Seth grumbled before slowly making his way to the door. "What do you want", he asked coldly. Wondering who was disturbing his day off.

  "You are certainly in a bad mood today", a strawberry hair young man, with jaded green eyes teased. This man constantly got on Seth's nerves and it didn't help that man remained him or someone. Of all the days he had to come it had to be today Seth thought.

  "Go away I am not in the mood to deal with you", Seth responded in no mood to deal with him especially today.

"Now is that any way to talk to the love of your life?"

  "Love of my life bull shit more like pain in the ass"

"Awww come on Seth there is no need to be so cold to me. I have a six-pack hopefully that will cheer you up", the young man offered holding up a bag.

  "Why not it's not like I have anything else to do"

"You don't have work now that's a surprise"

  "I have work I just choose to skip it"

"You skip work, how unlike you something must have happened. If they made you the great workaholic skip. What did someone break up with you", the young man asked, having no clue. Seth's head slumped down slowly and a depressed aura slowly surrounded him. "Wow it seems I hit the nail on the head"

  "Yes now, can you go? You're giving me a damn headache"

"How many times have I told you that cursing only hurts what people think of you"

  "I could give a damn about what others think of me. If I want to curse I will curse and that isn't going to stop just because you tell me to. Now get the hell out of here"

  "Geez, your foul moods are always the worst. If I were to leave you alone with the beer you might do something dumb so I would rather not.

You're stuck with me at least for today"

  "Ugh at this point I am too worn out to argue with you, Alexander", Seth finally said the young man's name for the first time today.

"Good now since you have a bad habit of drinking too much. So I am only letting you have a few beers"

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