Home and Bowling Date

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Surprisingly I got this one shot idea from a depressing show Death Parade episode 3 the one where the people bowl. I thought why don't I write a bowling date and that is how this came to be. So unlike most of my recent writing, it isn't a song fanfic nonetheless.  I hope you enjoy this one-shot.

Neil had just gotten home from work. He was exhausted from working hard all day and could use some time to rewind. He had just gotten home to see Daniel his loving boyfriend ready to greet him at the door. With a warm smile. "Welcome home", Daniel greeted. Neil pulled him into a hug before collapsing into Daniel's arms.

  "Thanks, love"

"Hard day", Daniel asked?

   "You wouldn't believe it"

"Well I had been planning for us to go on a date but I suppose we can stay at home and go tomorrow"

   "What were you thinking?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out babe"

   "Fine can we order", Neil started.

"Pick Chinese or Indian", Daniel asked already having his phone out.

   "This is why I love you and Chinese"

"I hope you are joking about only loving me for knowing what you want"

  "You wound me", Neil said with a fake stab to the heart.

"You exhausted me sometimes"

   "I enchant you and we both know you love me", Neil said before kissing Daniel on the head. Before going to their shared room to get out of his work outfit. After showering and changing into casual clothes he walked out to see Daniel on their couch remote in hand.

   "So what were you thinking?"

"I don't really particular care as long as I am with you", Neil said causing Daniel to go red in the face. Daniel spent the next few minutes flipping through Netflix before finding Avatar the Last Airbender and clicking on a random episode.  "Oh Avatar that takes me back I always had a crush on Zuko", Neil stated.

   "Eh I never saw the big deal with Zuko I was more Sokka"

"Oh come on sweetheart we both know that's a lie. So why don't you just admit you liked Zuko because what reasonable person doesn't love him?"

    "He was a butt and tried to kill Aang more than once", Daniel tried to reason.

"Sweetheart why not save us the trouble because we both know that you loved Zuko. So why try to deny it?"

   "Fine maybe I did like Zuko a little bit", Daniel said with a pout. Neil kissed him on the head.

"Now was that so hard to admit", he asked before the two sat comfortably watching the show-stealing kisses every so often before the food came. Both of them spend the rest of the night reliving their childhood talking about who they wanted to be and which elements they would be. Neil loved nights like that where he could just sit and relax after a long day of work.

*The Next Day*

   Neil had been woken up by Daniel earlier then he had wanted to be. They had stayed up late the night before. But despite Neil protesting Daniel got Neil up and made him get dressed. Neil let out a groan before agreeing to. Before Daniel rushed them out the door and settled himself in the driver's seat of his car. After driving for a while they finally reached Rock and Roll Bowling. Someplace Neil had only been a few times before. "Why are we here?"

"Because I thought it might be fun"

"But really bowling", Neil asked with a skeptical look on his face.

   "Yes bowling love trust me it will be fun I promise"

"Fine it's not like I have anything else to do"

   "Now that's the spirit my grumpy bear", Daniel teased before parking and dragging Neil out. Before opening the door and ordering them both a pair of bowling shoes. Neil had the first bowl with three of his fingers in the hole and took a step back before releasing the ball which rolled before landing into the gutter. He tried again and the same result happened.

  "Damn it", he cursed as Daniel let out a laugh.

"It's not funny", Neil said.

   "Love come on it kind of is", Daniel said barely able to hold in his laughter. Before getting up as a new ball rolled up.  Daniel took a step back before letting go of the ball getting a strike the first time through. Causing Neil to get an angry face that Daniel couldn't help but laugh it. My lover could be so cute at times like this he thought. Before going back and taking a seat and as the game continued. Daniel having good luck and winning with mostly high numbers while Neil would either get gutters or if he was lucky three pins. Neil was soon letting out strings of profanities that weren't for the faint of heart. Causing Daniel to burst out laughing each time it happened. the game continued and after a while, Daniel had won by a landslide. They had taken off their shoes and were eating pizza for lunch. "So care to tell me why the hell you forced me to go bowling"

  "I thought it would be fun I didn't think that you would suck so badly", Daniel said before letting out another laugh.

   "Shut up it's not my fault it's the balls fault it was rigged", Neil said his face a bit red.

"Sure same thing with every other game we play and you lose. It is never your fault", Daniel teased as Neil pouted. Daniel let out another laugh. "True be told I thought bowling would be a nice way to get your mind off or work. But it seems all it did was get you swearing. How was I to know that you sucked"

   "Shut up", Neil said embarrassed.

"Come on you know you love me"

   "You exhaust me honestly"

"Now who is the one who is lying come we both know I enchant and you love me"

   "Fine maybe I do"

"Yes you do so why try to lie when you are so bad at it"

  And before Neil could say anything to protest Daniel pulled Neil into a kiss. Neil soon melted into it as he always did. No matter how much Daniel would exhaust him and no matter how much Neil would deny it. Neil really did love Daniel and to him, Daniel was his everything and no matter how much they fought. That would never change.  They kissed until they were both out of breath.  After a few more flirtatious fights and after finishing up the pizza Neil and Daniel went home. And they spent the rest of the afternoon talking just enjoying one another company and being in one another arms.


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