Please Don't Go (male reader x Oc)

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*Play the songs when you read it will make more sense if you do*

(m/n) woke up to see sunlight streaming in from his curtains. He let out a yawn and looked next to him expecting to see his boyfriend Liam sleeping peacefully beside him. Instead all he found was an empty bed. (m/n)wasn't worried through Liam was probably going to get something. After all today was one year anniversary of living together and their five year anniversary as a couple. They had moved in together right after high school with both of their parents blessing. (m/n)wasn't in the slightest he was sure that Liam would be back. (m/n) got up and began to make himself some breakfast and a cup of his favorite coffee. For once (m/n) had the day off from his job and he had wanted to spend it with Liam. But they would have plenty of time together later once Liam came back. But after a few hours Liam didn't come back (m/n) began to worry. Trying to reassure himself he turned on the tv. "Car accident it looks terrible", he stated before switching the channel thinking it wasn't important. Not long after (m/n) phone began to ring he looked to see a phone number appear that he didn't know. For some reason instead of not answering like he usually would (m/n) answered it. "This is (m/n) may I ask why you are calling?"

"You are Mr. Liam boyfriend are you not", the voice on the other end asked.

"Yes may I ask why you are asking?"

"We regret to inform you but your boyfriend is here with us at the hosptial and since you were his emergency contract. We thought we should call you first"

(m/n) heart started to race. "Is he okay?"

"As much as I would like to reassure you sir but I am afraid he was hurt pretty badly and their is a chance he might die. He is in sugery now if you would like to come", the person informed.

"Where are you"

"We are at (insert hosptial name)", the person said. Not a moment after (m/n) hung up the phone and ran out the door starting his car engine rushing to (insert hosptial). Going to the reception desk and telling them who they are as they lead him to outside the sugery room where Liam was at. (m/n) took a seat putting his hands together. Before he started to do something he didn't often do. He prayed to God. Prayed that Liam would live. He hadn't been praying long when a male nurse came carrying Liam bag.

"Sir we thought you might want to have this", the male nurse said handing (m/n) the bag. (m/n) nodded before he pulled out the things. He found what he would expect from Liam bag. Until he found a black box he opened it to find a golden ring with Always Yours ingraved in it. (m/n) found himself on the verge of tears. He was planning to propose to me before thing happened he thought. As (m/n) just sat there lost in his own thoughts when he felt someone tap on his shoulder. He looked up to see Tristen(a long time friend of Liam and his).

"I came as soon as I heard the news how is he doing?"

"I don't know they haven't told me anything yet. I don't know what to do through honestly Tristen. If he dies then so will apart of me he is my everything", (m/n) cried Tristen looked to see (m/n) holding the back ring box.

"So you found out"

"Yeah they gave me his stuff ", (m/n) could barely get out. Tristen pulled (m/n) into a hug.

"It will be okay Liam is strong he will get through this"

"And what if he doesn't then what do I do?"

"Don't think about that (m/n) trust me Liam will pull through", Tristen reassured him. (m/n) nodded before hugging Tristen back. When a male docter walked outside.

"Which one of you is Liam's boyfriend?"

"I am", (m/n) answered.

"I am Henry Liam's docter. Well Liam boyfriend Mr. Liam pulled through. Unfortunately for now he is unconscious ", Henry stated. (m/n) wanted to hug the docter at that moment. Liam had lived that was all he cared about. (m/n) felt so happy.

"When can I see Liam", (m/n) asked?

"Not until tomorrow I am afraid. Liam needs his rest and before you ask I don't know when he will wake up. We will just have to wait. For now go home, get some rest and come back tomorrow", Henry ordered (m/n) nodded before leaving with Tristen.

*A few days later*

(m/n) had visted Liam alot to find Liam still passed out . (m/n) had brought music and sang to him alot something Liam had always told him he enjoyed. (m/n) kept the ring box with him so as not to loose it. (m/n) had justed started to sing Please Don't Go when he saw Liam eyes flicker open. (m/n) wasted no time to hug and kiss his boyfriend. Despite all the equipment attached to Liam. And after Henry came in and told Liam what happened and doing a few things. Liam and (m/n) were left alone. Liam had asked (m/n) to give him the ring box. (m/n handed him the ring box. Liam began to sing I Don't Mind before giving (m/n) a look.

"You are my everything . And I was planning to do this but then everything happened but netherless will you marry me", he asked as (m/n) gave his boyfriend a hug and a kiss. Before saying yes as the two held one another in each other arms from then on.


I love BL as you know but I hate the death card. I try not to play it whenever I can avoid it. Because I do romance and I love BL because even through the men are the same gender and can be somewhat forbidden.
They can still love each other as much as straight people and I find that incredibly romantic don't you?

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