Trust and Betrayer

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Author Note: Unlike with most of my works here the main focus isn't about two men romance. No, but the trust between two people and what can happen when the trust is broken. This will be a sad story and their story doesn't end happily. Neither less I hope you enjoy this one-shot. 

P.S: The two guys above are Henry (age 16) and his brother (age 22) on the right is Henry and the left is his brother. 

What happened to the peaceful world I grew up in? What happened to where people could trust their family? What happened to the world where you didn't have to fear someone coming in and trying to shoot you in school. What happened to the times where you could watch Youtube without hearing about the election constantly? I will tell you what happened to the world it began to rot. Over the years we caused it to be like this. At first, it wasn't so bad. But soon it got worse parents mistreated their kids and even worse family would abuse family. And kids would turn friends or other adults for help. Relying on them as their rock. Which sometimes can be a good thing but there are some people who have good intentions. Sadly not all the people in the world are like that. There are some people in the world who will lie just to get close to you and then dispose of you once you are of no use to them. Not only that but a person you might think you know could really just be an image that you want to believe. Someone who really experienced what it feels like to be betrayed was a young man by the name of Henry Colemon. He had a strong build from years of taking self-defense classes reaching black belt in Taekwondo at only eleven. Before pursuing basketball, soccer, tennis, and track. He had messy dark raven hair, with kind gray eyes. He always seemed to be smiling. Always laughing or joking. He was the class clown yet he still managed to stay at the top of his class. He seemed innocent not knowing much about the world. He was what people inspired to be. Someone who had so much potential. Yet there was a dark side of him. If you tested his patients or messed with someone he cared about the seemingly innocent side of him would turn dark. He would be blinded by angrier and it would be difficult to calm him down. He would sometimes have to be held back by others. Yet as long as you didn't get on his bad side Henry was a pretty normal kid. He watched movies, hung out with friends, read manga, watched and other things most kids do. Everything changed when Henry was fourteen his parents had been on a business trip when their plane crashed neither one of them surviving. Something changed in Henry after that. The once innocent smile he once wore vanished. Henry was placed in the custody of his older brother who at the time was barely twenty. Having to quickly a job to support the both of them working late at night. Without him through Henry temper got worse. He started picking fights more and would come home bruised and battered. He stopped pretending to pay attention in class no longer caring. If he wasn't at school he started skipping school getting his uncle to sign off notes. Yet he still somehow managed to get good grades. Yet now rumors were flying around that he was cheating. His reputation got worse and worse. Everything seemed to be going downhill. That was until Henry met Parker a young man barely out of high school who Henry met while Henry had been skipping. Henry had been browsing the local bookstore skimming the manga section. When Parker came up to him. "Shouldn't you be at school kid", he asked? Henry quickly lied stating that it was a day off. Parker shrugged it off. As the two soon feel into comfortable casual conversion as if they had been friends for a long year and hadn't just recently met. Henry found himself spilling his soul to Parker and Parker listened. As the two from that day forward continued to meet and chat. Soon Henry started going back to school. He stopped getting into fights. He started Taekwondo back up along with basketball. He managed to get into high school with no problems. He and Parker continued to meet. Whenever Henry was in need of help and needed to talk he would go to Parker. At first, Henry's uncle didn't like him hanging out with Parker. That was until he met Parker. Who he soon learned was a nerdy, handsome, confident man, with a great personality. He trusted Parker with Henry whenever he needed to go out of town or work overtime. This continued until Henry was near the start of his second year of high school. By that time Parker knew where all their cards were. The money they held in the house. Even Henry's computer and phone pin. But when Henry and his uncle told Parker they thought they could trust him. When everything changed. The day had started out like any other. Henry went to school and his uncle went to work for the day. Yet when Henry came home everything was gone. His computer, all of their money, cards, anything of value to them was gone. Plus the house was a mess. Henry panicked calling Parker only to get no answer. Henry quickly called his uncle before explaining everything to him.

They both assumed it was just a bugler. Yet after a few days of not being able to reach him. They were worried and were about to call the police and report him missing. When the police came to their home. After the initial confusion, the police explained that the Parker they knew wasn't real. In actuality, Nick (Parker's real name) had been a conman. Who wasn't just out of high school but was actually twenty-four. Not long after graduating high school, he started scamming people by befriending them and getting them to trust them before stealing everything. The police had been trying to catch him for years but could never seem to catch him. Yet someone noticed and recognized him from the papers. Henry at first didn't know what to say. He had thought he knew him. Yet in actuality, he had known nothing about the man. Henry rarely cried and seemed so strong. Actually started to cry right in front of the officer. With his uncle pulling him close and hugging him. Both of them unsure of what to say. After that all of the progress that Henry had made vanished. It wasn't as bad as it had. But something seemed different with Henry. It was as if he was just going through the steps of life. Not really caring much for what happened. Henry did graduate at the top of his class but barely with the number of days, he would skip. His life felt as if it had no purpose and he stopped trusting others. It won't be until his first year of college where he met the love of his life, Robin. Who bright light to his world and slowly helped him believe in others again. But that is a story for another time. If you remember or learn anything from this. Be careful about who you trust. Don't disclose any personal details to anyone but people you trust with your life. Or else you might regret it later. And the people you may think you know might not be who they say they are......................


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