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Puck was leaving football practice at the end of the day when he spotted Quinn laying on her couch under the bleachers with her eyes closed.


Quinn didn't answer.

"Fabray." Puck muttered.

Quinn still didn't answer.

Panicking, Puck put his fingers on the side of Quinn's neck as he sat down on the couch.

"What the hell are you doing?" Quinn asked, swatting Puck's hand away as she sat up.

Puck jumped.

Quinn raised her eyebrow at the look on Puck's face. "What?"

"I called your name." Puck said. "You didn't answer."

"I didn't feel like it." Quinn shrugged. "I was trying to rest."

"It's not funny, Quinn." Puck responded as he got up.

"I didn't say it was funny." Quinn said, hiding her smile as she put a cigarette in her mouth and offered one to Puck.

"I didn't see you in Mr. Schue's class today." Puck said as he took the cigarette. "Or at lunch."

"Yeah, I didn't go." Quinn replied as she lit Puck's cigarette and then her own.

"So you're just not going to class anymore?" Puck asked as he looked at her.

"I don't know." Quinn shrugged. "Does it even matter?"

"It's senior year." Puck noted. "What about college?"

"College?" Quinn scoffed.

"You shouldn't throw away your future 'cause you're pissed at the glee club or me or Shelby or whatever." Puck stated.

"Shelby?" Quinn furrowed her eyebrow as she took a drag of her cigarette. "Please, I haven't even thought of her since she followed us to the hospital and took our baby."

"Well, I was looking for you so I could tell you she's back." Puck informed Quinn.

Quinn didn't say anything, but Puck could see it in her eyes that she was hurt. Beth and Shelby always hurt her.

"Q? Are you okay?" Puck questioned Quinn as he sat down beside her.

"Why did she come back?" Quinn asked.

"She's teaching here and she wants us to have a relationship with Beth." Puck said. "And she wants to see Rachel."

Quinn pulled her cigarette away from her mouth and bit her lip.

"I wanna see her." Puck stated. "And I think it would be good for you to see her, too."

"It would be good for me?" Quinn repeated.

"Beth makes me good." Puck reminded Quinn. "Being a part of Beth's life will remind you who you are. You're good. You're better than... this. And the self-sabotage isn't okay anymore, Quinn."

"I don't wanna see her." Quinn said, shaking her head.

"Think about it." Puck requested as he put his cigarette in his mouth and stood up. "Let's finish these and I'll take you home."

"Okay." Quinn nodded as she slowly stood up.

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