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Puck ended up skipping the visit with Beth. He decided to go home and take care of a few things for his mom and sister.

After dinner, Puck went to run errands in his car. When he pulled into the motorcycle shop parking lot, he checked his phone and saw that Shelby had texted earlier to ask if he was still coming over.

Ignoring the text, Puck pocketed his phone and went into the store. He walked around for a while before one of the employees stopped him.

"Can I help you?"

"Maybe." Puck said. "Do you have any motorcycle helmets left?"

"Did you look in aisle four?"

"Aisle four? Got it." Puck said as he walked away. He walked to aisle four and began looking at the helmets. There wasn't a huge selection, but there was a nice pink one that would be perfect for Quinn.

Puck paid for the helmet and went back to his truck. He put the helmet on the passenger seat and left.

Puck found himself at the tire shop. He parked and went inside. Even though it was late, Puck knew Finn and Burt often spent time there even when they weren't working.

"Hello?" Puck called.

"We're closed."

"It's Puck." Puck replied as he walked around until he found Finn.

Finn looked at Puck. "What are you doing here?"

"I think there's something wrong with my car." Puck lied.

"Dude, you know just as much as I do when it comes to fixing cars." Finn stated as he wiped his hands clean on a rag. "Why are you really here?"

"I wanted to tell you that... I'm sorry." Puck said.

Finn furrowed his eyebrow.

"For getting you detention and saying all that stuff yesterday." Puck went on. "It was stupid and selfish."

"Thanks." Finn nodded. "How's Quinn?"

"She's okay." Puck said. "I tried to get her to come see Beth with me today, but she didn't want to."

"Quinn hasn't been herself lately." Finn noted. "But how's Beth?"

"I didn't end up going." Puck shrugged. "I had to run some errands and make dinner for my mom and Sarah so..."

"You and Quinn need to get it together." Finn told Puck.

"I know." Puck said. "I'm working on it."

"Okay, good." Finn nodded. "Honestly, Puck, I'm worried about both of you."

"Don't worry about us." Puck responded. "You know Quinn and I have always been a little crazy anyway. Everything's fine."

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