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Puck dropped Quinn off at her house and rode around on his motorcycle for a while before heading home.

When he walked in, he found his mom and little sister eating dinner in front of the TV.

"Hey." Puck said. "Sorry I'm late. What are we having?"

"Sarah and I ordered food." Ruth answered as she stood up. "You were late."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow as his mom left the room. He turned to his sister. "What's her problem?"

Sarah shrugged. "She just got home from work and you didn't have dinner ready."

"So?" Puck asked.

"She asked you to make dinner tonight." Sarah replied.

Puck nodded. "I got caught up in something. I can make dinner tomorrow."

"What'd you get caught up in?" Sarah wondered.

"None of your business." Puck replied.

"Mooooom!" Sarah yelled.

Puck rolled his eyes as he hurried up to his room before his mom returned. He didn't want anyone in his business at all, but especially not when it came to Quinn.

Puck went up to his room and closed the door. He threw his things on the floor and collapsed onto his bed.

After over an hour of playing video games on Xbox with Finn, Finn had to go because his mom needed him.

Puck grabbed his phone to text Mike to go online, but stopped when he saw he had a text from Quinn.

Can you pick me up for school tomorrow?

Sure. Everything okay?

Puck waited for Quinn's response, but it never came so he texted her again.

I'll text you in the morning

Puck put his phone down and sighed as he picked up his Xbox controller.

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