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"You told me we were having lunch." Quinn said as she looked at Puck. "Not seeing Shelby."

"Just listen to her." Puck said. "And then we can go, okay?"

"Why should I?" Quinn asked.

"Because I want you to see Beth." Shelby chimed in.

Quinn and Puck looked away from each other and turned to Shelby.

"I came back here to build a relationship with Rachel and let the two of you build one with Beth." Shelby explained. "She deserves to have you in her life and if you clean up, you'll get to deserve being in her life."

"Clean up?" Quinn repeated.

"This isn't you, Quinn." Shelby noted. "And you're sad. I've been where you are and I get it."

"No, you don't get it." Quinn argued. "Because there's nothing to get. I gave my daughter up so she could have a better life without me. You gave yours up for money."

"Quinn." Puck said softly.

Quinn continued. "I gave Beth up and I spent this past summer focused on myself for a change, and this is who I am."

"You're not fooling anyone but yourself, Quinn." Shelby noted. "And the sooner you realize that, the better because I'd love for you to join the three of us one day after school next week."

"So Puck can see her, but I can't?" Quinn asked, raising her eyebrow.

"You can see her when I know you deserve to." Shelby said. "Skipping class and smoking all day aren't examples that should be set for Beth."

"And you think Puck's a better example for her than me?" Quinn wondered, glancing at Puck. "No offense."

Puck nodded and stayed silent as he observed Quinn and Shelby.

"Puck's making an effort to do better." Shelby noted. "And when you do the same, I'll let you see Beth, too."

"All you need to do is go to class." Puck added. "And maybe bleach your hair."

"No." Quinn folded her arms and shook her head. "You can't tell me what to do. Neither of you can. You can't manipulate me into doing what you want me to do or being who you want me to be."

"Quinn." Puck sighed.

"How can you not see that she's manipulating you?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"There's a big difference between manipulation and wanting us to be our best." Puck responded.

"Well, of course you think that." Quinn replied. "I bet the women whose pools you clean say things like that."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Puck asked.

"You'll jump into bed with any woman who's older than you, especially when they yell at you and tell you what to do." Quinn noted.

"That's enough." Shelby snapped. She took a deep breath and looked at the teenagers in front of her. "Quinn, I really hope you rethink this because we would love to have you be a part of this family, too."

"Family?" Quinn repeated with a scoff. "You're her new mom and Puck's her dad so what does that make me? Why am I the one who loses everything when I'm the one who gave up the most for her?"

"Because that's what being an adult and a parent is about." Shelby said. "Sacrifice."

"You shouldn't have come back. You should've just taken her and stayed away from us." Quinn said, rolling her eyes as she walked out of the room.

"Come on, let's go grab lunch." Puck said softly as he followed Quinn.

"You can forget it." Quinn said. "Just leave me alone from now on."

"What about after school? I'm your ride home." Puck reminded Quinn.

"I'd rather walk home." Quinn said as she walked away.

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