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"Hey, I was calling you." Puck said as he walked into his room. "Dinner's ready."

"Sorry, I didn't hear you." Quinn said softly.

"It's okay." Puck nodded. "What are you doing?"

"Your room looks exactly the same." Quinn noted. "Like when I lived here."

"Oh, yeah, well, I'm not into change." Puck shrugged.

"Me neither." Quinn replied.

"Do you remember when you kicked me out of bed at three in the morning because you had a dream I missed Beth being born?" Puck asked with a small smile.

"Yeah." Quinn smiled back. "I must've driven you crazy back then, huh?"

"No." Puck shook his head. "I mean other than the mood swings and constantly being yelled at, it was actually kinda nice having you around."

"Yeah, we've always made a good team, haven't we?" Quinn agreed.

"Totally." Puck said.

"So... what's for dinner?" Quinn wondered.

"Well, you're picky as hell-"

"Am not." Quinn cut Puck off.

"Are too." Puck said.

"Am not." Quinn argued.

"We'll be here all night." Puck noted. "Come downstairs before your mac and cheese gets cold."

"If you led with mac and cheese, we would've been cleaning up dinner by now." Quinn responded, smiling as she walked past Puck.


When they were done cleaning up from dinner, Quinn and Puck hung out in the living room.

"Do you remember when you were pregnant and I'd come home to you crying on the couch over stupid romance movies?" Puck asked Quinn.

"Stupid?" Quinn repeated. "I seem to recall you watching The Notebook in its entirety."

"I needed something good after you forced me to watch Titanic." Puck replied.

"You just admitted that you liked The Notebook." Quinn smiled.

"Well, that's because the main character's name is Noah." Puck shrugged as he stood up when the microwave beeped. "I'll grab the popcorn. You can pick the movie."


Puck grabbed everything from the kitchen and headed back to the living room. He sat down next to Quinn. "What are we watching?"

"The Notebook." Quinn answered.

"Again?" Puck asked.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow. "I don't know about you, but I haven't watched it in nearly two years."

"Yeah, same." Puck muttered as he turned to the TV screen.

"So Noah, who's your Allie?" Quinn wondered.

"You." Puck blurted, not turning away from the TV screen.

Quinn cupped Puck's chin and turned his head to face her.

"You." Puck repeated as he cupped Quinn's cheeks and kissed her.

Quinn slowly climbed on top of Puck as she kissed him back.

Puck wrapped his arms around Quinn, pulling her close and deepening the kiss.

Quinn pulled away and looked at Puck. "Let's go upstairs."

"You wanna go upstairs?" Puck asked.

"Yeah, no one's home, right?" Quinn asked.

"Right." Puck nodded. "Are you sure you wanna go upstairs?"

"Yeah, come on."

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