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At lunchtime, Puck found Quinn on her couch under the bleachers.

"Can I join you?" Puck asked.

"Fine." Quinn said.

Puck never understood why Quinn kept letting him come around, but he didn't bother to question it.

"So." Puck began as he sat down beside Quinn. "You still like PB&Js?"

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"You did when you were pregnant." Puck reminded her.

"Yeah." Quinn nodded slowly. "It's been a while, but I guess I still do."

"Well, good." Puck said as he pulled out a brown paper bag from his backpack. "'Cause I grabbed pizza from the cafeteria so this is yours."

Quinn looked at Puck.

"I figured you didn't eat yet." Puck shrugged. "So eat up and then we can smoke and go to class."

Quinn nodded slowly. "Thanks, Puck."

"No problem." Puck said as he looked at Quinn.

The pair ate lunch together. When they were done eating, they started smoking cigarettes.

"How often are you gonna visit Beth?" Quinn broke the silence.

"Once a week, I think." Puck answered. "Depending on everyone's schedules."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"Shit." Puck hissed when he spotted Mr. Schue walking towards the teenagers.

Puck threw his cigarette on the ground before grabbing Quinn's from her hand and doing the same. He put his feet over the cigarettes to hide them under his shoes, though he knew the smell lingered on their clothes, fingers, and mouths.

"Principal Figgins is looking for you two." Mr. Schue told the boy with the mohawk and the girl with the pink hair.

"We were busy smoking cigarettes." Quinn responded.

"Quinn." Puck scolded.

"I know." Mr. Schue said. "And that's prohibited on school grounds, which is part of the reason why Figgins wants to see you."

Puck and Quinn didn't say anything.

"I told him you guys were working on something with me." Mr. Schue responded. "So if you come inside now, I'll do my best to help you out. Both of you."

Puck nodded and slowly stood up, careful not to reveal the cigarettes.

"And if we don't?" Quinn asked.

"Then Figgins will give you detention." Mr. Schue warned Quinn.

"I'll be here." Quinn decided, folding her arms as she sat back comfortably on the couch.

"Quinn, you don't wanna ruin your future." Mr. Schue told her. "Your GPA is one of the highest in the grade and you have good extracurriculars. You should be planning for college."

"Maybe I'm not college material." Quinn said. "Just like I'm not parent material."

"I really think you should come inside and let me help you." Mr. Schue repeated. "Because this is your last year before everyone moves on. You shouldn't ruin it."

Puck took a deep breath as he looked at Quinn. He knew Quinn. She was stubborn as hell and she didn't cave in. He knew she wouldn't start now.

Puck slowly sat back down. "Mr. Schue, you can let Principal Figgins know we're eating lunch outside today."

"I have to say I'm disappointed in you, Puck." Mr. Schue stated. "I'll see you in glee club."

Quinn looked at Puck as Mr. Schue walked away. "Wanna get out of here?"

Puck nodded. "My motorcycle's in the parking lot."

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