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Quinn and Puck spent the entire weekend together. They didn't talk about Quinn getting arrested, but it was her first offense so it wasn't a big deal.

Puck didn't bring it up, but Quinn seemed happier to him. The more time they spent together, the more he saw Quinn's old self peeking through.

On Monday morning, Quinn and Puck rode to school and headed to Puck's dumpster.

Puck looked at Quinn when he saw the line of nerds and losers waiting at the dumpster.

"So." Puck said. "What do you think?"

"Let's do this." Quinn grinned. She put her things down and stood beside the dumpster, eyeing the crowd Puck had assembled.

"Who's first?" Puck asked as he stood beside Quinn and leaned against the dumpster.

"JBI." Quinn decided, pointing out the boy.

"Okay." Puck said. He turned to the crowd and looked at JBI. "You heard her. Come on. Everyone else, get in line. Now."

Puck grabbed JBI and Quinn grabbed his legs. Together, the pair tossed him into the dumpster.

"How do you feel?" Puck asked as he looked at the smile on Quinn's face.

"He deserved that." Quinn stated. "For everything."

"Yeah." Puck agreed. "Who's next?"

"Do a few without me." Quinn suggested. "I need a cigarette before class."

Puck nodded and handed Quinn his lighter as he went back to the line that waited in front of him.

Puck continued tossing kids into the dumpster while Quinn watched and smoked a cigarette.

Puck was aware of the smile on his face and he hated that he was smiling, but even more so, he hated that Quinn was smiling. Quinn never was amused at throwing people in the dumpster, and Puck never thought he'd see the day where she would participate.


Puck turned around and saw Shelby walking by. "Hey, Shelby, uh, Miss C."

"Hi." Shelby said. "What's going on? What's this line for?"

"I'm raising money for glee club." Puck lied. "Everyone pays a dollar and I get to throw them in the dumpster."

"That's a weird way to raise money." Shelby noted, raising her eyebrow as she turned to Quinn. "There's no smoking on school grounds."

"Are you gonna write me up? You're not a real teacher." Quinn replied.

"Sorry." Puck apologized softly, so Quinn couldn't hear him. "Did you need me for something?"

"I was gonna tell you that my apartment complex is looking for a pool boy." Shelby stated.

"What?" Puck asked.

"Finn and Rachel told me about your pool-cleaning business." Shelby told Puck.

"Yeah." Puck nodded.

"Why don't you give them a call?" Shelby suggested, handing Puck a business card. "I can put in a good word for you."

"Maybe." Puck said. "Thanks."

"Maybe then you won't have to organize all of this for glee club." Shelby noted.

"Maybe." Puck repeated.

"I'll see you in class?" Shelby said. "Quinn, too?"

"We'll see." Puck shrugged as Shelby walked away.

"My turn." Quinn decided as she tossed her cigarette onto the ground.

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